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  • Such a lonely room.

    I would turn it into a computer room.. :)

  • I was actually in this scenario just last night. We watched TV.

    ...the only person I've had sex with is my wife.

  • We all have sex again ๐Ÿคท? Would be the logical thing IMO.

  • Probably bone. Most of the people I've had sex with, sex has been the only thing we've had in common. If it's everyone I've had sex with, it's going to be a little crowded, but I'd imagine we could all have quite a bit of fun.

    • Going for the orgy, bold move but could be epic if it pays off.

      • Honestly, with the majority of the people I've slept with, not so much a bold as just taking advantage of the opportunity. Hell, some of them and I already know each other from group sex, and the the majority of the rest have engaged in group sex in other circumstances. The vast majority are, at the least, okay with random hookups with strangers.

  • None of them would know what the connection is.. at first. That would be some serious cringe as they all realize I am the common denominator. ๐Ÿ˜–

  • A few of them would wonder why there are women and men in that room, but a few would already know why.

    • why there are women and men in that room

      Is it strange to see/find people in a room?
      The room doesn't suggest anything on its own - it's just an ordinary room.