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Kbin: What is your all time favourite video game?

Whether you started with a 2600 and a joystick in your hand, an N64 with a blistered palm or building your first PC in your teens, what is that one video game you've played at some point that to this day sits at the top of your list.

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  • Tetris. Tetris is the King.

    • But the game is racist.

      • It is a product of its time.

        • I will never in a million years connect "racist" with "tetris". What was that about?

          • There was an article about Kotaku using AI writers, and someone in the comments had ChaptGPT write an article about how Tetris is racist.

      • @MxM111

        @GeekFTW @Ragnell I wish I had the link handy… this is referencing the person who asked ChatGPT to write an article about why Tetris is racist right? And the article is unsurprisingly terrible. I think all in response to Kotaku moving toward AI journalism.