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  • Those were not built for homeless people.

    • They were built for the Prolitariat, which homeless folks are quite literally a part of.

      • That is some good mental gymnastics there…

      • So if one person picks 1000 apples per day and the second picks 2 apples, then they split apples 501 to each. Good luck convincing the first person that this is good for them

    • No duh, they were built to be very affordable so you wouldn't have as many homeless people. It's incredible that you thought that answer was somehow insightful

      • They were built to be affordable for working class and had nothing to do with homelesness.. Communists/socialists did not acknowledge existence of homelessness because it would mean party admitting of making a mistake or system being flawed.

    • And yet they still would affect the rate of homelessness.

  • Atleast the building shouldn't be of low quality but most of them are due to corruption and most of the funds are waisted as a result

  • Governance has deeper roblems that trace to the top. We are at the bottom.. hell.

  • ok, so why are there so many people trying to escape these communist paradises you people praise so much? and why so many people want to live in the capitalist hell holes you complain about?

    • As a disclaimer, I understand the logic in most cases, it shouldn't imply that I agree with it.

      In an ideal communism, everyone would have their basic needs taken care of, regardless of who they are, what they do, how "valuable" they are, or what they know is, etc.

      In reality, almost all attempts at communism are authoritarian at their core, and whomever is in a position of authority, due to them being human and inherently selfish, they value their own comfort and contribution more than they value the contribution of others. This will almost always devolve into a mass exploitation of the populous to serve those who are in control.

      The ideals of communism, in and of themselves are not bad or evil. The practical result of the authority that arises from a communist country or society will very often result in human suffering on a massive scale.

      So to put it simply, people generally romanticize the ideals of communism; at a high level, speaking very ideally, they're not wrong. Communism has some ideas that should be taken into very serious consideration. When applied on a large scale in communist countries like China (as an easy example) it's very easy for the majority to be living well below what most would consider "the poverty line" with little to no consideration from the governing authority regarding that situation.

      Thus, while the communist ideal of a solution to this problem is preferable to the homeless and destitute results of capitalism, there isn't any country in the world that lives up to providing a good living situation to those who are in need. Sure, in a communist country, you may get a roof over your head, given to you by the government, but you may or may not get adequate amounts of food on the table to not starve, or required medical care, or any of a plethora of other things that are beneficial to your continued existence. You just get to die in a bed, in an apartment, via starvation or treatable medical ailments, rather than dying from exposure with enough food in your stomach, and in otherwise okay physical health, because you had no place warm to sleep.

      All options are equal levels of terrible.

      IMO, the point of these kinds of posts isn't to say that we would be better off with communism, but rather, that the typical capitalist "solutions" to problems are less desirable, and we, as a society, should consider other options and solutions in order to help our countrymen, rather than punish them for being poor.

      • And I agree that social investment in capitalist societies builds better quality of life. Where I disagree with you is on the intention of these posts. Its clearly communist propaganda painting communism as a perfect solution for everything, as if we could not remember history or see with our own eyes that nobody wants to immigrate to North Korea for a reason.

  • You know a lot of soviet buildings was built by prison labor? Let's make a next meme about egyptian pyramids. They look great too.

      citation needed
    • Way more shit is done with prison labor in the US. I guarantee. We have 25% of the prison population of the world, and the USSR had a tendency to send a massive amount of their prisoners to Siberia, which would make it difficult to help build apartment blocks several thousand miles away.

      • What's with that whataboutism? I don't care about the US. Why do your type brings it up every time, like it makes USSR's wrongdoings more acceptable. It doesn't. It's rather a lesson to learn and not repeat in your country.

        and the USSR had a tendency to send a massive amount of their prisoners to Siberia, which would make it difficult to help build apartment blocks several thousand miles away.

        So? They built infrastructure there, yes, so it's enormous territory can be somehow crossable. And they also built infrastructure, housing and plants\factories all over it's territory. Gulag wasn't just a one small camp, it's the Main Office of Camp (Managenent), it had a lot of people to send elsewhere, based on what Kremlin wants.

    • В смысле руками пленных нацистов? Тут жаль только, что их потом домой выпустили.

      Или руками советских преступников, которым платили и было гарантировано трудоустройство после окончания срока, а не полоскание на ветру, как в твоих любимых либеральных залупах, раб?)

  • Hey OP, comunistm is great on paper because it doesn't take into consideration the human nature. Humans are corruptible, no matter who, and even the best of us would be corrupted when it comes to someone they love. This alone breaks the comunist stance because you can't have fairness when one human is responsable for managing/governing. Comunism would work if there was no hierarchy between humans, no one more powerful. Maybe if some aliens come or if some AI evolve enough to govern, but that's is not today's world

    Edit: I do think the US level of captalism is horrible. Maybe begin with just SOME socialist policies, like free healthcare and univesities, that would already improve so much the lifes of americans