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  • Sat at the library yesterday and read Open Borders by Bryan Caplan. He really breaks down how open borders benefit society from a capitalist perspective, but I find it helpful too. Anything to show others how closed borders are damaging, and how the idea of curbing immigration in America is rooted strictly in colonialism and racism.

    The best part is I think it is presented in a very digestible, accessible way.

  • Currently, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents for my audiobook and for my physical book its The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida. Both are excellent.

  • I'm very nearly done with 'The Precipice' by Ben Bova. Next is either 'Rock Rats' in the same series, or I start the Cosmere series by Brandon Sanderson. I've read all the Mistborn novels, and they're fantastic.

    Sanderson writes books faster than I can read, so it's kind of daunting. Ben Bova is already dead, so I don't have the same problem with him.

  • I'm working my way through Christopher Alexander's The Nature of Order for a second time. It's only slightly easier to get through this time though. Before that was the full run of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson).

  • Re-reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons. I read it as a teenager the first time, and I wonder if I'll get something different out of it in my 30s now. I'm also reading Heart of Dominance by Anton Fulmen along with my wife. More of a book for them than me, but it still has good information to glean regardless. If I want to include graphic novels, I also just finished Sunstone. It was sweet and entertaining.

  • Currently listening to the mountain man series. A zombie apocalypse story but very different than most. I'm very much enjoying it. These stories are free on audible plus.

    I am currently reading, which I do at night when I'm in bed, quantum void, which is the sequel to quantum space. Which I am also very much enjoying. And they are on Kindle Plus. Or whatever it's called.

    I'm a bit of a sci-fi nerd. It's almost all I read.

  • Halo: The Fall of Reach. I decided to finally play through all of the games so I purchased the Master Chief collection, played through Halo 1, then read an article detailing the full timeline of events. According to that, I have 3 books to read before I can get to Halo 2. Fall of Reach is the Master Chief's origin story, while the next book is the novelization of Halo 1, and the third fills in the gap between Halo 1 and 2. Suffice to say, I've got a lot to read before I can get to Halo 2, lol. Fortunately, I love reading, so this should be fun.

  • Just finished off The Deep by Rivers Solomon, a novella inspired by a song inspired by another song. Very compelling, character-driven narrative about generational trauma and slavery, plus a tinge of romance for the MC. Would recommend.

  • Currently reading Deep Work, the premise sounds interesting although the book starts of a little too money-focused for my taste. Finished Learning to Die in the Anthropocene, although it's refreshingly honest it didn't really have anything "Everything is F*cked" didn't say.

  • Friend's bookclub has been working through The Locked Tomb trilogy which has been fun (both to read and to watch other people encounter).

    Outside of that, I've been slowly working my way through The Knot Book (about mathematical topology, not kinky stuff), a book about "The Shambhala guide to Sufism", and "Inside Scientology".

    I've been going through library books trying to find something at least somewhat straightforward about the modern Sufis and their beliefs/texts/rituals, but all the books I've encountered so far seem to be way more concerned with the historical lens of "Westerners through the centuries trying to grapple with the concept of Sufism and disagreeing with each other about what it is".

  • 'glyph' by Percival Everett (who has rapidly become one of my favorite authors).

  • Right now I am reading An Urban History Of China by John Lincoln. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I am enjoying reading it, since I am a sucker for anything history.