happy ;_;
71 3 ReplyMyrrh. I used to hear it as a kid in church. Haven't heard it in decades by now.
49 0 ReplyThere was a podcast episode years back about how large quicksand loomed in popular culture for a whole generation, before vanishing as a concept almost completely.
And sure enough, I remember as a kid in the 80s worrying about stumbling into quicksand while wandering around the bushes in rural Canada.
Then I forgot about it as a concept until I heard it on that one episode, and I haven't heard it since.
49 0 ReplyDisestablishmentarianism.
40 2 ReplyCovfefe
39 2 ReplyAffordable housing
42 5 ReplyCowabunga and tubular!
80s were a good time!
33 0 ReplyTruthiness
29 0 ReplyVituperative. It's such a good word too.
22 0 ReplyDiscombobulate
22 0 ReplyInformation superhighway
21 0 ReplySurplus
20 0 ReplyDag. Not like Snatch “ya like dags” but like “dag, yo”.
19 0 ReplyFleek
19 0 ReplySkedaddle
19 0 ReplyPhat! As in cool. Haven't heard that one in wellllll over a decade.
19 0 ReplyI left Australia decades back, so all my slang vocabulary is stuck from when I left.
rorted - being high
having a pash - intense kissing
18 1 ReplyMOIST
16 0 ReplyDefenestrate. What a word!
16 1 ReplyI love you too.
It's not a single word though.13 0 ReplyMack
"Did you mack her?"
So dumb lol
14 1 ReplyBaud
13 0 ReplyCrunk
12 0 ReplySchadenfreude
12 0 ReplyFloppy (disk)
Choke (on a vehicle)
12 0 ReplyBodacious
Take a whiz
11 0 ReplyTrill
12 1 Replybitchin
wicked11 0 Replyfag (and I mean "haven't used in years" in a very good way.)
10 0 ReplySisyphean I come across it like once every few years in some article.
24 days later: https://lemm.ee/post/5458899 See what I mean?
10 0 ReplySplendid
9 0 Replysaw someone on tiktok refer to casual sex as "tappin that", instantly knew their age
9 0 ReplyDodecahedron
9 1 ReplyGrody
8 0 ReplySozzled.
French for drunk.
Only saw it on a British translation of Zola's L' Assomoir.
8 0 Replyyolo
7 0 ReplyFlabbergasted.
8 1 Replysploosh
7 0 Replyciggie
7 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
6 0 ReplySpoot!
6 0 ReplyBibliobibuli
A person who reads too much
6 0 ReplySynergy
6 0 ReplyGuffaw
6 0 ReplyAs someone who grew up in the sixties, "groovy"
6 0 ReplyRenob
It was our clever and undetectable way to say boner in grade school
6 0 Replycowabunga
6 0 ReplyYonder
7 1 ReplyWhatever word was used before "caveat" took it's place. A few years ago, suddenly, everyone on Youtube and elsewhere started using it.
5 0 ReplyFree
6 1 ReplyDociousalliexpiliciousfragicalirupus.
Haven't heard it in awhile because we agreed that saying it backwards was going a bit too far.
7 2 ReplyPneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis. It's just not a word that comes up often
6 1 ReplyCluster Fuck
I have a passion for the word "fuck" I need to get back to. I love the word "cunt" but thats too volatile so I had to retire that word.
Ass hat
Clown Shoes
Banana Head
Yeah most of my terms are personal attacks on morons I work with.
5 0 ReplyMiddle class
5 0 ReplyCahoots
5 0 ReplyBufty.
Heard it frequently 20 years ago and now it's dropped off the face of the planet as casual homophobia has become a bit less prevelant.
5 0 Reply💀
4 0 ReplyGayrod
5 1 Reply...to your mother
4 0 ReplyI went through a dapper phase at one point...
4 0 ReplyCyberspace
4 0 ReplyReal estate novelist.
Need to listen to this song now, urgently! :-)
4 0 Reply4 0 ReplyObi Wan
5 1 Replysphygmomanometer
4 0 ReplyPrecipitate
4 0 ReplyDubba. Mostly cuz I haven't lived in New England for over 20 years.
4 0 ReplyThe lyrics to Alouette.
4 0 ReplyFacetious and Modicum.
I remember them being heavily used everywhere by everyone like a fad, disappeared like a fad. I don't miss them though
4 0 ReplyMagnanimous
3 0 ReplyThat girl's a lunchbox. Their lunchin'
3 0 ReplyAssgoblin
3 0 ReplyApoplexy
3 0 ReplyBingus
3 0 Reply4 1 Replyfloccinaucinihilipilification
4 1 ReplyProlly
2 0 ReplyWaddup?
2 0 ReplyI really dig using "mook" as an insult, playfully or otherwise. It's somewhat normal in my tight circles but I get looks every time I'm in other groups when I drop a "what a mook"
3 1 ReplyCunnilingus
2 0 ReplyDignified
1 0 ReplyI left Australia decades back, so all my slang vocabulary is stuck from when I left. rorted - being high having a pash - intense kissing
1 0 ReplyJig jog
1 1 Reply