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  • “Don’t forget to smash that warp button”

    • A google ad appears on the main viewer advertising some new heart drug .... everyone eagerly waits five seconds to skip the ad before the ship can go to warp

  • I always said “Hit it” but then Pike used it in strange worlds. Not sure now.

    • Still bugs me that, in the more recent movies, Pike said "Punch It". Would have been so easy to keep that for the show.

  • Since the laws of physics say nothing can travel faster than light,

    "Ensign Smith, bend the rules!"

  • I know I'm beign a sourpuss, but I hate how much of a thing modern Trek has made this.

    That's it. I'd say that every time.

  • I wouldn't have one.

    It honestly always seemed silly to me. Unless I told the helmsman to wait for some reason, they should just go as soon as they're ready. Why wait an extra moment just for me to say "go"?

    That said, if it was some kind of required protocall, I'd pick a different silly term each time. Like "Banana Bread", "Pencil", or "Fuck off".

    • Helmsman muttering under their breath: ... why can't we have a fun captain

  • ¡Ándele, pendejos!

    • All Spanish Engineering crew hyped up with double espressos and chocolate y churros: ¡Arriba, arriba! ¡Ándale, ándale! .... loud dance music and a football match playing in the background .... ¡Arriba, arriba! ¡Ándale, ándale!