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  • About 10 years ago we lived near this family that were friends with our family. The couple was a little older than my wife and I but not by much. The wife and my wife liked to hang out, but whenever I went over to their house, it seemed like the husband was very flirtatious with my wife. No huge red flags or anything, just joking a lot and laughing a lot and seeming interested. I didn't really say anything to my wife, but I always had a bad feeling about the dude. I think she thought he was just being friendly. We moved away from there for many years but ended up moving back about 3 years ago. We didn't really live in exactly the same area, so my wife and the other wife chatted from time to time, but didn't really hang out. She did call my wife though when her husband started cheating on her with someone from work. He apparently was very open about flirting with other women and when she found out he wouldn't stop seeing/sleeping with the girl from work. She told my wife that he told her he always regretted that they had as many kids as they did (4) and that it was her fault. So, turns out all my bad feelings about this dude ended up being true. The really crazy part is that the dudes wife still won't leave him, even though he is basically openly cheating at this point. It's sad. He's such a loser.

  • no my gut feelings are always wrong, some free advice for you scammers out there

    • If someone is nice that doesn't know you they want something. Which most of the time is fine, maybe all they want is to not feel lonely. If it isnt crystal clear that what they want is that or something like that be on guard. People aren't very open with strangers passes the age of 4 years old.

      If someone wants to include you in any kinda deception get out of the situation.

      Be aware of any attempt to size you up. Are they trying to figure out how much money you have, are you the type to go to the cops, do you have any easy blackmail routes. "Oh what kinda work do you do?" Is a classic.

      It all comes down to sex money or loyalty. Anyone trying to go after you wants some combo of the three. The person who is not attracted to you, doesn't care what fancy toys you have, and will only tell you about their religion/cult/whathaveyou if you ask about it is the one you can trust.

      Lastly "let me talk it over with my wife" is pretty much going to get you out anything. Anyone being honest will be fine with that answer to pretty much any suggestion. If I invite a friend to say a BBQ I want him to bring his wife if I am going to try to sell you the Eiffle Tower I know it is just that much work scamming two vs one.

  • Elon Musk when he first became well known and my entire friend circle and work colleagues worshipped him.

    What happened? Elon Musk.

  • Usually just small things, with coworkers and how long they'll last. We get contractors that come into our group every so often when a need arises. Unfortunately, it's hard for contractors to get hired on full time unless they get lucky and a FT position opens up. It takes weeks/months for someone to get good at the job we do, even just understanding the full process takes awhile for someone to get their head around. You can usually tell pretty early on how quickly somebody is catching on and whether they're going to make it.

    There's some people that come along who are extremely talented, charming, and/or intelligent that I know would be an absolute perfect fit for our group, 99% of the time those people will just find a job somewhere else. They're great workers and they're not going to wait around if another opportunity comes, which they're usually smart/connected/talented enough to see plenty of opportunities come up. The other, unqualified people who we sometimes get stuck with, inevitably make some sort of simple, yet expensive error that gets them let go. It's like seeing an easily predictable scenario, but being powerless to do anything about it.