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Shakespeare Serif - an experimental font based on the First Folio Shakespeare Serif - an experimental font based on the First Folio

Disclaimer! Work In Progress! See source code. I recently read this wonderful blog post about using 17th Century Dutch fonts on the web. And, because I'm an idiot, I decided to try and build something similar using Shakespeare's first folio as a template. Now, before setting off on a journey, it is ...

Shakespeare Serif - an experimental font based on the First Folio

I've built a new font! Thoughts and feedback on my approach very welcome.

  • Very cool!!

  • So cool! I was wondering where the fonts were, but now I've found them on your GitHub repo.

    One question/curiosity: is the goal to have a font that looks "consumed by time"? or a font that should look as much as possible as in its original time? I ask this because I notice some final letters have small "ink holes", they aren't fully filled.

    • The answer is... I don't know :-) Maybe both? What do you think would be best?

      • Ah, difficult, they are two different and incomparable concepts :) As they are now, I think the fonts reach the first goal: give the appearance of an old and used book. Which is cool.

        For the second goal maybe there's no need to go to such lengths as you did, I imagine pictures of how those fonts looked in their time maybe exist(?).