Like most of whatever parent company or crappy site interface some mid-tier cities have, if you reload the page a few times it should give you the option to view? Maybe you got the adock popup, same thing, there is usually an option out. I'm not a subscriber.
Healthcare can stay private as far as I'm concerned, but it certainly shouldn't be provided by the employer. Just give me more cash and let me buy my own.
The profit motive definitely deforms the structure of medicine and medical services.
A guarantee for coverage, with most providers being private, is the essence of the systems in many countries, and is far better than the system in the US.
Yet, even considered globally, our world has been made bleaker by the domination of healthcare, for development, manufacturing, and distribution of technology and processes through private corporations, the features of such systems including monopolies, patents, and private investment.
We might try to imagine medicinal systems being structured and practiced as a public good, emphasizing human life as having the highest value.
Employers have a lot of options. They can threaten to fire people in large numbers, they can threaten various things, but by specifically threatening to cut off health care, their trying to put the workers to a life or death decision. In other words, this particular approach is definitely immoral and unjustifiable.