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What Game Boy game do you love that you never hear anyone talk about?

The more rare, obscure, or just a guilty pleasure, the better. Maybe you grew up with it, maybe it's just the nostalgia talking, any reason is fine.

I'm looking for a new game to play, but I'm running out of games to collect!

My favorite is games for original DMG, but you're welcome to include Color it'll advance games too!

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets.

    Are they good games? No

    But they are well themed and have chiptune version of Jeremy Soule’s soundtrack. I like replaying the, from time to time.

  • Pitman, also known as Catrap in US:

    It's not really something special or so, but I had it in my youth and used the level editor to build countless levels with my friend. It's a side scrolling puzzle game, with the abiliy to go back in history with a nice backwards animation.

  • A whole back when I got a Miyoo Mini, I went looking for original GB games that I missed. I found Cave Noire and it quickly became my favorite ways to kill time. It's simple (but not easy), being a Roguelike offers some variety, and it's just fun.

  • Rebelstar: Tactical Command, In a nutshell it's X-COM for the gameboy advance.

  • God Medicine. Genuinely one of the best classic style JRPGs and the best RPG on Gameboy in my opinion. Absolute travesty that the west never ended up getting it originally.