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What does one do with a settler population if their mother country won't take them back?

This is something I've wondered about but never really seen an official leftist position on, and it's gotten a lot more relevant with the ongoing Palestinian uprising. Also curious if there is any good reading out there on this subject.


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  • The leftist position is don't do settler colonialism

    the backup leftist position is don't be such a murderous fuck that reconciliation becomes impossible.

    There's no resolution to this problem that's going to let you sleep at night. All the options now are different kinds of nightmares. The time for some kind of peaceful outcome was almost a century ago when the small factions calling for a secular state made up of Jews, Arabs, and Christians in the former Mandate of Palestine were wiped out to keep them from getting in the way of the Zionist project.

    Also; There are lots of Jewish Israelis who don't have a "mother country" to go back to. When the Europeans declared the state of Israel many of the arab kingdoms forcibly dispossessed and exiled Jews living in their borders, sending hundreds of thousands of refugees to Israels. shore. The predominately European and Ashkenazi Israelis didn't want them, viewed them as religiously and ethnically inferior with all the vitriol you'd expect from European colonizers. Those people don't have dual citizenships and if they went anywhere it would be as refugees. Many of them were completely impoverished and decades later their descendants their descendents make up a lot of the Hasidic demographic that is often poor and often vehemently religious Zionist, which is in turn partially due to a policy on the part of the still mostly European and Ashkenazi political class placing them in settlements on the frontier as a buffer between Palestine and Israel proper.

    Shit's fucked. And it's important to realize that none of this was fait acompli. hard right-wing and fascist Zionists worked very, very hard and murdered a shocking number of people to make sure that peace was impossible. They killed other Jews, both zionist and non-zionists, especially Leftist jews. They killed secular Palestinian leaders, leftist Palestinian leaders. They killed or otherwise neutralized all kinds of people, factions, and movements who could have moved things towards some kind of detente or peaceful resolution. Their goal has been domination and a Zionist ethnostate for a long, long, long time.

    None of this just happened. We arrived at this extreme situation because right wing ethnonationalists worked very hard to make sure no other outcome was possible. Now many people will suffer horribly because all other avenues have been closed off.

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