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What really is going on in the US right now? Is this worse than the first term? Why're legal people being kicked out? When is it time to really consider leave?

First term a lot of people considered leaving but frankly it didn't feel like this.

Mods: I am unsure if this question goes against rule 2 or not. I mean to ask this as the general situation but of course it is political. The wording of the rule makes it unclear if politics are allowed or not...

Not offensive: at this point, we do not have the bandwidth to moderate overtly political discussions. Assume best intent and be excellent to each other.

  • Is it worse than the first term?

    Yes. Trump didn't think he would win the first time. He had no plan for what do do if he won, so he leaned hard on institutional knowledge of party stalwarts and military people, along with a few trusted insiders from his campaign, but they didn't know how Washington worked.

    This time hard core ideologues from the Heritage foundation were ready. They are tired of democracy and limits on the power of wealth so they are dismantling it with project 2025.

    Why are legal people being kicked out?

    Trump has only a few actual policies he cares about and one is to stop brown people from imigrating to live in America. This is also a test case of his own power. Because if he can disappear green card holders without due process he can also get rid of citizens that are a threat to his power.

    He is getting ready for a night of long knives and a krystalnaght.

    When is it time to consider leaving?

    Depends. If you are an anti Israel green card holder with a history of organizing college campus protests you should probably pack your bags and make your way to the nearest airport.

    If you are a citizen or permanent resident you have to make a judgement about what you are giving up, where you can go, and how likely we are to go full 3rd Reich.

    I will say that if we declare war on Canada or Mexico, you should probably make your way to the other one unless you want to stay and fight it out.

  • What really is going on in the US right now?


    Is this worse than the first term?


    Why're legal people being kicked out?


    When is it time to really consider leave?

    November 6th, 2024

    So people don't think I'm just fearmongering, here's an in-depth explanation: the Republican party learned from their mistakes during Trump's first term, and not only figured out how to use him, they had a plan for dismantling the government from day one. Unfortunately, their plan was to keep people focused on survival while they took away any public services, leaving only the parts that could be abused to enrich the billionaires.

    As usual, they utilized divide and conquer techniques to keep the working class fighting amongst themselves about irrelevant issues like gender and immigration and the price of everyday goods. Now they have to make good on those promises to keep their supporters from turning on each other, but since they cannot control the price of goods through sheer will alone, they have to focus on purging the scapegoated groups.

    They achieve this by attacking anyone and everyone who is an immigrant or visitor, documented or not. They are not trying to enforce the law, they are abusing the paramilitaristic forces they have control over (ICE) to see how much they can get their will done through sheer force.

    The reason this works is because everyone in ICE "just follows orders" assuming if anything they did was out of line, someone else would stop them/clean up their mess. Our society operates on one big ethic of "that's Someone Else's Problem™." But here's the thing: you need enforcers willing to enforce the law, the system of checks and balances, at every level. Right now, there is no one arresting Trump for violating court orders, and everyone's unsure if they even can because the Supreme Court ruled Presidential Immunity (the president can break most laws if he believes it's "for the good of the country").

    On top of all that, the bureaucrats who would usually stand in the way of such gross misconduct are being purged. The red tape is being burned to the ground. The peons are keeping their heads down, "just following orders" as aforementioned, and the high ranking officials with weight to throw around are either following their duty of office—resigning if they refuse to follow orders—or being replaced with sycophants. The sum total effect is that there's no one within the hierarchy who will stand up to abuse of authority.

    As such, the presidency is free to do whatever he wants.

    And he has. The other lesson The Party learned was to just unleash a constant barrage of policy. No matter what doesn't pass, there's a flood to hold back, so some is guaranteed to get through—and every bit that does is that much more power centralized in his office... And the dam will break eventually.

    Meanwhile the liberal "opposition" will continue to waffle for three reasons: one, they're still trying to play by the rules which have long since been discarded by the GOP; that only serves to benefit their opponents who use that against them. Two, they are easily manipulated by rhetoric, thinking they can bring GOP over to their side by engaging in the same rhetoric as the fascists (e.g. "so much for the party of 'Law and Order'"); what they fail to comprehend is that the rhetoric fascists engage in is meaningless to the fascists, it is just a smokescreen: to a fascist, everything is about power, and words are just empty containers that you use to manipulate people into doing what you want (a form of power). Three, ultimately the Democratic Party is also in the pocket of billionaires, their interests are the same as the fascists: concentrate power into the hands of the wealthy, privatize the government.

    If you can, leave. It doesn't get better until after the fascists are violently deposed. They will stop at nothing less. Unfortunately, they have all the people who bekieve in doing that kind of thing on their side, so it's only going to get worse.

    And by worse, I mean that they're already making plans for camps. They will market them as firstly "work retreats to heal lost souls," or some similar rhetorical mixture of corpo-jargon and christianity (the 2 major ideologies) to justify rounding up anyome they deem a useless eater. Or maybe it will juat be called "Prison Labor" (which is really just constitutionally allowed slavery) and they will find whatever excuses to criminalize people they don't like.

    First it will be "illegals," then it will be the homeless, addicts, the mentally ill, terrorists, or anyone else that is labelled a threat to society. And collateral damage will be acceptable (and encouraged) this whole time; so sometimes legal immigrants will get scooped in, or trans people who are clearly mentally ill by virtue of being trans, or anti fascists because antifa is a terrorist organization (because big brother tells me it is), or people who express leftist ideals publicly, or gun owners who haven't pledged allegiance to The Party, or PoC with non-european names, or autistic people, or disabled people (because their secretary of Health and Human Services has "proven" that that disability is fake) or anyone else they believe they can "fix" by forcing them into labor.

    And when those people don't magically get "fixed" by labor, well... they're just taking up too much space, aren't they?

    And the public will largely have one of three reactions: 1. "He can't do that, that's illegal! Someone (other than me) should really do something about that! I hope they do sooner than later... Anyhoo, better get back to struggling to survive in the worst recession since the Great Depression"; 2. "Well, business as usual, as long as it doesn't affect me"; 3. "Hahaha FUCK YEAH, FUCK THOSE [bunch of slurs] AND ESPECIALLY THOSE [more slurs]."

    If you can, leave. If you can't... Well, read up on your rights and practice as many as you can.

    sent from the concentration camp I'm now fated to because writing all this will probably labelled an act of treason by The Party.

  • If you want to know where it is going in the short-term, have a look at Orban's Hungary. Rightwing populist voted in and then got to work at dismantling the state. Control judges appointments, curb the power of the judicial branch, silence critical media, pick a group to scapegoat, buddy of Putin. The list goes on. Democracy only works if people defend it and from my outside POV there aren't enough people doing that just yet. It's worse in Trump 2.0 because this time he came prepared.

    There are already horror stories about people being caught up wrongly in the deportation efforts. That's using very mild language for very traumatic events here. It's come to a point where erstwhile allies of the US are advising their citizens not to travel to the US. Because they have lost faith in the rule of law there. Take a minute to let that sink in.

    If you're a US citizen, resist. The free state is under threat. If you're an immigrant, be careful.

  • The time to leave if you're able to was in his first term.

    We got out, no regrets, and we're not going back.

    • Any surprises you wish you knew about beforehand that you'd care to share? Any bullshit around financial stuff, filing taxes while abroad, etc?

      • Banks in the US really don't want to give you your money. Keep a US phone # (I think Google phone has one which doesn't kill you in charges) so you can contact them (when and if you transfer money).

        You should take a trip first to set up some groundwork, find a trusted lawyer (we have two, one is our accountant, who's also a lawyer, and another who is our immigration lawyer). They will go over all your paperwork for housing rentals, they should know people who can get your health insurance set up -you probably will need private health care +repatriation insurance until you are a permanent resident. Cost is around €50/per person per month, paid monthly (for us).

        Downsize as much as possible, do not put 'artwork' on you customs for for import as they will hold up the works. )paperwork, personal clothing, household goods, etc. vague and mundane.

        Your first year RENT a place in a town you choose, you will know in that year if that's where you want to be or not. Our experience was we got a place for summer (3months) then checked out all the towns along the coast and kept coming back to where we settled, so we found a place for a year there, then COVID.... then found the place we are in the process of buying.

        Walkable city, good infrastructure to travel by bus/train, 2 airports 1hr away in opposite directions. We don't drive anymore & bike everywhere, and live 500M from the Mediterranean Sea.

        So yeah... being by the water is absolutely worth any issues we encountered.