Germany Will Keep Its Order for F-35A Aircraft Despite Criticism
Germany Will Keep Its Order for F-35A Aircraft Despite Criticism

Germany Will Keep Its Order for F-35A Aircraft Despite Criticism

Germany Will Keep Its Order for F-35A Aircraft Despite Criticism
Germany Will Keep Its Order for F-35A Aircraft Despite Criticism
Of course they will.
People in Germany as well as internationally spend the last 3½ years pushing daily propaganda about the oh-so-useless German government to get the conservatives back in to office.
You know, the same corrupt and fossil-fuel addicted people that manufactured a dependence on Russian oil and gas. The same ones that destroyed the Bundeswehr. The same ones that spend the last years building up connections to US MAGA morons and getting help from them on how to campaign on lies and culture war while operating purely on obstruction. The ones that love to fuck over their citizens and country for money.
So they will of course keep the F-35 order. With their newly found money (from debts that were totally unacceptable as long as they were not in power) they will probably find an excuse to order even more or kill some other German/European projects to buy overpriced US crap instead. Just like they are already talking plans to restart Nordstream to import gas from Russia again, this time with US cooperation, because dependence on two hostile nations is even better than on one.
The morons get exactly what they voted for and will cheer, completely ignoring reality because the lies poured into their damaged brains sound so nice. All while laughing about US voters for doing exactly the same.
I really hope for a big meteor soon, to save this planet.
What does modern in case of aircrafts even mean? And can't the Dassault Rafale carry nuclear weapons?
You need tiers of capability. Nukes are one, but a more readily used one is the ability to knock out (or at least suppress) ground based air defense. Stealth aircraft like the F-35 are perfect for this mission, they can get in range, fire off an anti-radiation missile, and get out. Non-stealth aircraft may be forced to turn back before they get their shot off, thus leaving the enemy air-defense active and forcing a scrub of the planned attack on what the air defense was defending.
maybe the germans plan to strip them down to the last bolt and reverse engineer them