"Americans can't coo-"
"Americans can't coo-"
"Americans can't coo-"
This was a viral clickbait thing a few years ago. It only existed on twitter and Facebook and Instagram and thankfully I haven't seen it turn up again any time recently lol no one actually cooks like this, even here in America
This was a fad in the early 1990s. I know a few people who tried it. I don’t know anyone who did it twice as it tends to require you to clean your dishwasher before and afterwards.
Well, there's also this.
I believe Maytag once ran a commercial back in the '60s or '70s or something that implied you could cook a turkey in their dishwasher as well, boasting how powerful their heating element was for the dry cycle.
I should also point out at this juncture that an awful lot of dishwashers these days including almost all import brands (Bosch in particular, also LG, Samsung, Asko, Miele, Smeg, etc.) are "condenser dry" machines and don't have the heating element for drying anymore. You're unlikely to cook anything satisfactorily in one of those. You could hope for the wash water being hot enough to do it, but I'm not playing any bets. Maybe you ought to select the sanitize rinse option...
If you were going for low and slow, you could pipe in melted butter and have a self basting semi sous vide thing going.
Oh good, now I can stop using the top of my good ol' 1970s TV. As a bonus, maybe my wife will stop mentioning the smell.
Protip: If you suggest the fish smell is coming from her you won't have to worry about it anymore.
Please say sike 🤢
Redneck sous vide.
An older guy said sometimes people would season and bag steaks and keep them submerged in hot tubs in the 80s.
this isn't american food; how many people in america do you know with a dishwasher?
I can't believe this is a real article. It looks like a parody.
I mean I've cooked entire meals in the engine bay of a car before 🤷
Do not let the americans cook.
A serving of green bean casserole
Bone ape tit bro
You can pass that my way if you're not going to eat it, easily my favorite thanksgiving side dish.
Are you telling me that nation that made super popular show about cooking doesn’t know how cook?
We let the dishwashers do it for us
Can I also cook Salmon in the dryer?
No, it will get beat up. If it's a tumbler anyway..
you need to use that weird rack that snaps into the middle.
Nah, I don't have a smart dryer so there's no way it's on Tumblr.
Yea but it's tenderizing the meat!
Mmmm salmon hummus 🤤
In case it isn’t obvious to everyone, the salmon wouldn’t be up to temp. It might look “cooked” but its internal temperature physically cannot rise high enough to kill all of the microbes dwelling within. Before putting it in the dishwasher, I recommend poaching it in a vinegar solution to dissuade anyone from eating it.
People eat salmon raw all the time, as well as "undercook" it. Salmon really shouldnt get above ~125f, it's super delicate and overcooking ruins the texture. Run a hot rinse and dry cycle and I have no doubts it would be cooked through, if not overcooked.
If it's held at a slightly lower temp for longer it can achieve the same bacterial reduction the 145F the usda recommends, its the instant bacterial death time. Inctheory if held at temp for long enough it would be safe to eat. It's still a stupid method but technically viable.
I’m imagining the shits the dishwasher detergent residues give you would be brutal
You just reminded me that the tide pod challenge existed. What a terrifically stupid way to die
Don't let Americans cook means you don't know about actual American food like gumbo, sausage gravy, chili, or tri tip (among dozens of other dishes). It's a sad, bland world without American food.
For real! Southern and soul food, texmex, barbecue, Cajun dishes, pizza (Italians can get bent on pizza, we perfected that shit), Mac and cheese, lobster rolls, MOTHERFUCKING CHILLI, chocolate chip cookies, buffalo wings, New York style cheesecake, the majority of the good deli sandwiches, even hamburgers! As much as people shit on hamburgers, that shit slaps. Hell, we even invented the grilled cheese. I fucking hate america but the one thing I'm unapologetically proud of is our food. Don't let Americans cook? Eat a po boy and shut the hell up
I seen this episode of Everyone Loves Raymond. Except it was clearly a mistake.
Finally some culinary representation.
My dad once made a homemade smoker out of an old dishwasher, and smoked salmon was one of the dishes we cooked in it!