Racism Fixed
Racism Fixed
Racism Fixed
Erasing history can definitely be checked off the list.
Not to worry there’s still like 200 199 things to go
199 as of this comment.
Thanks, Elon "I can't possibly be a racist troll, some of my best serfs are Negroes!" Musk.
Musk literally wants to destroy the US government
I didn't know who he was, so had a quick read of his Wikipedia page
Robinson was drafted for service during World War II but was court-martialed for refusing to sit at the back of a segregated Army bus, eventually being honorably discharged.
What a legend.
Yeah that's why you shouldn't offer yourself to die/murder for a racist empire.
Yeah, they're definitely trying to fix the government. "Fix" as in "neuter".
Racism can't exist if races don't exist. Checkmate libtards.
I just went to this page and i didn't see any "dei" in the weblink. Is it hidden or just a false report?