Removed from Reddit because?
Removed from Reddit because?
Edit: apparently they're posters you can download
Removed from Reddit because?
Edit: apparently they're posters you can download
English people acc know how to think for themselves, we criticise our politicians regardless of what parties we vote for and form our own opinions rather than follow the rhetoric of one of two absolutely dogshit parties.
Also English people: "We can't vote for corbyn, he's a nazi communist woke woman hater"
That's exactly my point, most usual labour voters didn't agree with Corbyn, cause they don't blindly follow whoever's leader of any one party.
In fact we usually vote for whichever party's either the least dogshit at the time or strategically vote against the most, for example when Blair illegally went to war in Iraq to suck American dick we all collectively voted against Labour, and after the absolute Tory shitshow we all voted against them.
Strategically because of our absolutely shit, barely democratic FPTP voting system, which usually forces people to vote strategically, against the most powerful party they like the least, but luckily we still have more than 2 voting options.
So that's how you guys got Blair 2?
Be real, the British public is as undereducated and propagandized as everywhere else.
Yep. Go to Hyde Park on a sunny day and see how many ppl are sitting around with paper hats made out of The Sun newspaper. FAR too many.