47% of Danes are avoiding US products now
47% of Danes are avoiding US products now
Så mange danskere har undgået amerikanske varer siden Trumps indsættelse - TV 2
47% of Danes are avoiding US products now
Så mange danskere har undgået amerikanske varer siden Trumps indsættelse - TV 2
Are...the citizens of Denmark referred to as Danes?
What did you think they were called?
Yes. And the language is Danish.
...and their pastries.
IIRC it was a baker couple from Wien (Vienna), that moved to Denmark and started making them. So Danes actually call danish pastry wienerbrød, meaning "Viennese bread".
.... To English speakers. We call all the different ones by their different names here
I think "Danish" is just people saying "wtf I can't pronounce Festilavnsbolle.… Okay I'll have the Danish thing"
Oh I see. I thought the people were Danish, and I never really thought about the name of their language.
Dane-ish, although the pattern doesn't really apply to the Brittish. Britons - Brittish - idk man language is hard
I'm curious what you expected them to be referred to as.
How about "Denizens"
Good enough for me! (not from Denmark btw)
i would place my bet on Danish
Yep, never really thought further than that.
yes, and their dogs are great
Certainly not toys.