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  • I’m usually reading at least 3 books at any given time, so when I’ve finished one or two, I still have time to pick up the next one.

  • Absolutely. Which is why I like medium sized series of books that way the next book is usually clear, but I don't have the secondary issue of never feeling like I'm "done" you get with long series.

    Start looking when you get to the last book and by the time you're through you can hop right in

  • My wife bought a bunch of books to keep herself occupied at work

    She wasn't able to choose a book to read next and ended up having a mild anxiety attack.

    So I made a chart of books, gave her a d20, and once she finishes one series she rolls the die and reads whichever book she rolled, or rerolls if needed.

  • I have this whole system where I alternate between poetry/non-fiction/fiction and contemporary/classic, so I always have about fifty books on my shelf and there's always an obvious next one to read. Like right now I'm reading some classic prose fiction so my next read is contemporary poetry.