French MEP says US should give back Statue of Liberty
French MEP says US should give back Statue of Liberty

French MEP says US should give back Statue of Liberty

French MEP says US should give back Statue of Liberty
French MEP says US should give back Statue of Liberty
To whom? Macron, who refuses to respect the will of the voters, and continues to elevate the far right in France?
Thank you; people keep getting excited whenever France makes moves towards forms of leadership these days but I can't help but suspect that Macron doesn't want to eradicate the global hegemony America had held through recent history but put France in its place.
Demanding back a gift given in celebration of America's abolition of slavery solely on the basis that France was the one to gift it (i.e. ownership) is too on-the-nose, even if you tried.
You don’t need to suspect. He’s confirmed it plenty of times. He will shut the country down before allowing the left to seize power.
Yeah. Macron is extremely bad with domestic politics which is why the French far-right keeps gaining ground. I tell the so-called blue MAGA that if Americans could articulate their thoughts away from the cringey false dichotomy of "blue, liberal Democrats" versus "red, conservative Republicans", the Democratic party is at best a neoliberal centre-right party who still value private property and free market, however socially progressive they are. Hence, as Macron and the Democratic party demonstrated, liberals will always side with fascists when it comes to it, instead of actually curb stomping the far-right for good.
But since we are talking about how awful Macron's domestic policies are, the opposite side is Macron being inversely good in foreign policies. He had been proven correct searching for strategic autonomy, and able to stand up to the bullying tactics of both Trump and Putin. Someone in Reddit mentioned Macron is probably easily bored with local politics. I have to agree and I am exactly the same. I prefer international news and politics over local; because the latter is like keeping up with school gossip with too many white noise. And the details of the story change every damn time. Meanwhile, international politics typically settles over a bit quickly and you get the fuller picture as a result. Besides, I think if you follow international news and politics more, you see the entire forest than just a tree and thus you could easily see solutions to local problems by applying what other nations are doing right.
Occam’s Razor: It’s not that Macron is a domestic right winger who happens to be correct on international politics. It’s that your beliefs are left domestically, but you’re supporting right-wing foreign policy.
Macron is centrist at best, who is socially progressive but economically right, in which the latter is only feeding the right.
He had been advocating for EU army since Trump's first term. I was indifferent or at best opposed to it because, like most people, nobody thought Trump is crazy enough to threaten to pull out of NATO, and there was no war in Ukraine. Then now with Trump 2.0, him pulling out from more international obligations, and the invasion of Ukraine happening at the same time, I can see why re-arming is a better course. I am still not a fan of an EU army, but I am sympathetic to the sentiment.
Also, it is not "right wing" to allow rearmament. There are right wingers who are isolationists, especially those with ties of varying degrees to Kremlin and don't see Putin as a problem. Sure, there are even left wing isolationists.
Right, so you’re a NATO supporter. As I said, you’re rightwing on foreign policy.
I don't support NATO either. But is as if there are no left leaning supporter for international military alliance lol. I don't know what your smoking, but no thanks.
So you don’t think you’re rightwing, but you think there should be a massive international military alliance 🤦🏻♂️
Haha. I don't know if you are trolling or not, but look up defensive democracy and military Keynesianism.
Macron's foreign policy isn't left or right or centre it's French. It's actually quite exceptional for a nation's foreign policy, at least in its core aspects, the steady lines, doctrine and long-term strategy, to be partisan. France is all about strategic autonomy, and to make that more affordable they're pushing for European strategic autonomy, hence the constant heavily anti-Atlanticist streak.
And that applies to the US too, btw: Biden waged a trade war against the EU with the inflation reduction act. Tactics might differ, crassness differs, the core elements? Exactly the same.
Yes, it’s right wing everywhere. That’s because capitalism requires constant aggression to gain access to new markets and resources to exploit. So it has spread like a virus. And if a country doesn’t comply with right wing global policies, they’re overthrown by right wing capitalists.
Why don’t you ask the people in French colonies if they think French foreign policy is right wing?
As to extractive capitalism: What part about "strategic autonomy" do you not understand. How can you be autonomous if you're reliant on extractive exploitation. Also, former colonies. Also, ask Mali whether they're faring better under Russia's thumb. France is not in the business of forcing itself on countries if they're hell-bent on making idiotic mistakes. The offer was there to help Mali keep out Islamists and extractive capitalism, what did the Junta do? Invite Wagner over so they can join in massacring the civilian population.
France does have some homework to do regarding its colonial past, big and glaring one being the Haiti debt, but you know what you sound like? Like an ANC politician willing to blame your country's issues on anything but your own corruption. "Oh no it is the colonisers who make us embezzle our people's wealth".
France just had to be forced out of African colonial holdings within the past year, and they sabotaged infrastructure on their way out.
I'm curious why you're not giving specifics. Maybe because it's part of the Russian colonial programme? France left, willingly, when those states withdrew their invitation. They didn't force themselves in in the first place, they were there to fight Boko Haram and like ilk. The states had some reservations "The French are going to do all the fighting without developing our own military capabilities so afterwards we'll still be vulnerable". Germany said "yep we'll expect the same that's how they roll" so Germany went in together with the French, specifically doing training. Both left together once uninvited.
And don't tell me they should've left bases etc. for Wagner to use.
I'm curious: Is Russia currently involved in an imperialist, genocidal conquest of Ukraine? Yes or no. Once that's out of the way we can start talking about Africa.
...and don't fucking even begin talking about Uranium. Noone needs North African Uranium, Australia has everyone covered for millennia to come.
Ahh. So now the right wing foreign policy is justified, and it’s Chad’s fault. LoL.
Does your script not cover Africa? Is that why you need to deflect to another place entirely?
Chad, as in the country, no. Chad, as in the powers that be in Chad selling it out to foreign interest, yes, they're very much at fault. The Déby dynasty (I guess that's how it's going to be now) is better than Habré but come on none of them are worth even a single clap of applause.
Overall, that's some real neo-colonial, infantilising, BS from you, there, "Oh these poor undeveloped countries can't make decisions for themselves, they're at the whim of foreign influence, they have no agency". That's like 1/1000th of a step away from "we should invade and rule for them because they can't".
Does your script not cover Africa? Is that why you need to deflect to another place entirely?
No, Tovarish Vatnov. That is not the reason.
It’s hilarious seeing you talk about “scripts” considering that your modlog reads like a cautionary tale on why you shouldn’t just believe everything the cool kid in detention says.