The censorship surrounding taiwan is super lame. You can't even ask about stuff that happened 50+ years ago. Even if you ask about something else, if somehow the answer includes the world Taiwan, it deletes it.
Wait till you see how fascist US censorship works.
On the up side China has great prosperity because they dont let individuals hoard all the money and they dont allow unregulated free speech that turns countries like the US into INGSOC Oceania
Aren't you contradicting yourself here? Your first line proclaims the existence of US censorship, but then your next line says that the US is bad because of unregulated free speech. How can there be both censorship and unregulated free speech?
No, I'm not. The unregulated Free speech crowd abused that privilege in order to usher in fascist censorship. The liberals fell for the trap. I've taken a lot of crap on this platform from liberals who said that we need to protect all free speech or else the fascists will censor them if they ever gain. power, which is absolutely the most idiotic and tone deaf statement I've ever heard.
China is one of the least free places on earth and it has all the same exploitation the West. What upside is there?
There is SO much misunderstanding about China that it's mind-boggling. Their people own the means of production. Profits are used to meet the needs of the people, keeping wealth from being hoarded by individuals and thus slowing the flow of money. Their governmental structure is FAR more representative of the people than the US's is. Their expansion of high speed rail has been phenomenal. "All the same exploitation" with none of the problems caused by late stage capitalism. Maybe you should try talking to people who live and work there.
China has billionaires and a stock market. That means the workers are not getting the full value of their labor.
The workers DO NOT own the means of production. The state holds a share in their name but that isn't the same since the state is totalitarian.
They have most of the same issues as a late stage capitalist nation in that they have the corruption, the wealth inequality, and all the same pollution.
There isn't so much misinformation on China except for the sources you seem to buy into. China is factually speaking an unfree nation and is one of the least free populations on earth.
Cool story bro
The only one telling tall tales is the one claiming the workers own the means of production in China when you have an investor class in China that gets profits from work they do not do.
None of what you have said has negated my statements, and Chinese billionaires do not own the state like American and Russian oligarchs do over the US
It does if you understand what those words mean.
You cannot own the means of production if someone else owns your employer. Chinese workers at large companies do not own the means of production. The shareholders own the means of production.
China gave up on socialism in all but name 25-30 years ago.
China lets people exploit workers and steal the value of their labor. That’s not an upside.
How are you Americans holding up? I heard the ministry of plenty has increased the chocolate ration from 50 grams a month to 40 grams a month. A 25% increase. Careful, I heard East Asia, who you've always been at war with is predicted to increase missile attacks. At least the end of the war is in sight. Then you can celebrate your victory over Eurasia, who you've always been at war with.
1984 is not about totalitarianism, but about oligarchy. Peter Thiel is literally creating the Surveillance State as we speak.
It's about authoritarianism.