You’re a loser donald.
You’re a loser donald.
You’re a loser donald.
Brave of your to assume the orange person is self conscious.
He knows (or rather, thinks) he's hot shit
They're both shit, Obama committed and covered up hundreds of war crimes in the Middle East and other countries, declared Linux users terrorists, Snowden, Assange etc. like with Trump the list is too long.
This is what a FPTP voting system gives you in the worst case scenario, a 2-party state, both parties being not only dogshit but also authoritarian.
“Wow Donald! You really know you’re shit.”
When you know you've shat
Why should Trump or Musk care if you call them names? They're the most powerful and richest people in the world.
And yet, they do. It's called insecurity and it's a defining trait of nearly every fascist.
Obama doesn't know his shit, he's a Chicago school economist and a war criminal. He was a better president than Trump but that's an extremely low bar to clear.
You don't need to agree with the man to acknowledge that he's intelligent, well-read, and knowledgeable about a whole ton of shit. Grow up.
Dude taught Constitutional Law at a prestigious law school for over a decade. What have you done?
Constitutional scholar but you know better…
Yeah, it's comments like that (and the amount of upvotes they tend to receive) that make me wary of lemmy... Nobody is saying you need to agree with Obama. We get it, he's a "stupid lib" or whatever. But to suggest he isn't intelligent is just fucking absurd.
What war crimes did he do?
The biggest one is authorizing targeted "double tap" style drone strikes against civilians.
A quick web search will turn up plenty more.
At the time he was responsible for the most drone strikes for any president (obviously this record was broken by the next admin). There's also a famous one where they struck a wedding in Yemen. You could argue not closing gitmo would be perpetuating existing war crimes when it was a campaign promise.