Trump again demands the annexation of Canada
Trump again demands the annexation of Canada
Source link on Truth Social:
Trump again demands the annexation of Canada
Source link on Truth Social:
Fuck you Trump
Trump became President and I decided to start the process to get guns.
Honestly, Canada should shut down their border to the US period… I wish this could happen, but I feel it is unrealistic.
I'm for it. It will hurt, but we'll manage.
He's gonna fucking invade, isn't he?
He clearly wants Canada, but it's not clear he wants it that bad. If he thinks more expensive electricity is a nasty move he's probably not too hot about stuff and people blowing up.
I suspect the next few months will be a lot like the past one for Canada. Not better or worse.
Is it bad that I want him to try?
Historically, the US has never acquired territory by force, and even then Emperor Clementine would need a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate to ratify and prove the annexation was legal, which I doubt he'll get.
F*ck around and find out, as it were.
Ya I want him to try as well. I am so fucking sick of republicans and magats dragging down the entire human race. Can you imagine what the world would be like if bush didn't steal the election from al gore? No war in the middle east, probably would have resulted is way better relations between countries all around the world. Would have resulted in more prosperity for everyone. Would have been a massive coordinated effort to fight climate change. They'd probably have healthcare by now. To this day republicans have been hell bent on destroying the world. I hope they come to Canada. Wiping them out would be the highest possible purpose my life could ever serve. Even if I could only take out one of those magat freaks with me, it would be worth it. Lets fucking go, ill be ready.
Yes, because innocent people will die.
Even if he fails, our quality of life would significantly decrease. Not really wanting to become an insurgent and get my brains blown out by a delta force operator or something. Not saying we should back down in any case, but the prospect of an invasion like that is scary af.
The National Post is a US billionaire owned right wing propaganda rag that most Canadians wouldn't wipe their ass with. If they're saying this it's a warning that should be heeded.
We are a large, rugged country with huge areas to hide in full of large rugged people with guns.
My company:
Has two shops 1 in Canada and 1 in the US; US shop now solely handles all American related jobs while Canada handles any job globally, besides the US.
Real smart play here ol trump
Won't someone assassinate this senile fat fuck?
Ronald McDonald has been trying every damn day.
Old man shout at canada... again
Is it really a "longtime tariff" when it was implemented a week ago? I guess when you have the memory of a goldfish...
Bring it the fuck on yam tits. Lets fucking go. Send in your cultist freaks I can't wait to blow some yank limbs off.
When is this fat fuck gonna get it through his head that we will never be a part of the US, and there's nothing he can do about it?
We like our women with bodily autonomy and with the right to choose.
We like our right to protest without the fear of being jailed and deported.
We like our heads of state to be respectful and respected on the world stage.
We like our right to privacy without surveillance, and our civil servants free from Krasnov’s oligarchs.
Most importantly, we like our beer to be unshittified!
The Canadians who haven't already fallen victim to your propaganda.
-We like our right to protest without the fear of being jailed and deported.
Maybe you should tell our universities, corporations and the RCMP about this.
Trump is desperate to be a part of Canada, huh?
Someone else said musk is prob forcing him to do it because he want to be the next president. Since he has canadian nationality he'll be able to gun for president.
Kinda crazy guess, but they are crazy so 🤷♂️
I've never been so viscerally irritated in my life. ELBOWS UP
Lol at there no longer being a border problem. How exactly does this change ANYTHING about guns and fentanyl crossing between Canada and the US? And whatever immigration problems Trump is complaining about would be completely moot if suddenly the entire country are now forced to become US immigrants.
Because in that syphilis riddled brain, the orange-blunder has had the brain-shart concept slip out of the diseased sections and into what passes for a consciousness, that by only having a state line, there is no border, and so he will have solved "the border crisis". This is not a rational human being we're dealing with, it's a geriatric puppet-dictator who very likely has some form of degenerative brain condition.
So we charged them 25% more for our electricity and his response is to charge his own citizens 25% more??
Russia's objective isn't tariffs -- it's to splinter/decouple international coordination and cooperation amongst western nations.
So, yeah. The faster Trump can accelerate that, the happier his boss'll be.
Like the buy[local] type campaigns are most likely getting a bit of a bump from Russian propaganda agents -- even if they are 'real' sentiments to some extent too.
What’s that flushing sound I hear? Oh, it’s just the US economy.
He'll raise taxes on Americans again too, if Canada doesnt shape up!
Fuck off you demented old fool.
80-year-old angsty teen... how can anyone take this man child seriously?
We don't want to be the 51st state. The idea repulses us, actually.
Elbows up, guys!
how can anyone take this man child seriously?
Trumpy's cultists will take him serious. Those cultists are going to be a problem.
Unfortunately, too many Americans did, so now the rest of us have to
The dipshits that voted for him didn’t take him seriously either, they just wanted to fuck over the left, who they’ve been told is a enemy and threat for the last 25 years on Fox and AM radio. The other group that didn’t take him seriously were the ones who sat out or protest voted.
Elbows up!
I will shortly be declaring a National Emergency on Electricity within the threatened area. This will allow the U.S to quickly do what has to be done to alleviate this abusive threat from Canada.
This shit is ominous. This demon is ready to invade and take control of the Québec-Windsor corridor.
Then it’ll be FLQ 2 electric boogaloo
I think Ontario has already paused the Export tax unfortunately. But I would absolutely call his bluff. An attack on Canada would mean a full-blown article 5 crisis before Trump has all of the cards that he wants. While he might be that stupid. Others in his administration aren't.
Just in case, a good show from Carney would be to deploy the military to the area because of an increased threat of terrorism.
No one wants to be america. People want to be human beings that are able live as human beings. People don't want to be pawns to a machine that sucks humanity and souls from living bodies.
Am American. Can confirm, would really like to be something else.
It’s funny how mericans are always like ‘I’m 1/8th Irish and 2/3 German’ as if they are a breed of dog
Do Canadians not do that? I'd have thought so considering Canada has had waves of settlers much like the US; but I've not met many Canadians, so I wouldn't know.
Better than being American?
I like to keep my pension and EI benefits thank you very much.
This broadcasts his insecurities about being clueless how the economy or anything works, and has surrounded himself with yes men idiots that can't even bail him out of this hole he dug himself. A big tell is he is so pissed he is giving them over 4 wks to lift their electricity premium.
As an American I say Canada should just go the "we don't bargain with terrorists" approach and just cut the electric today. Call the bully's bluff.
Sad thing is is Ontario has already taken the surcharge away, because he is going down to DC to get the shake down.
I hope he comes back and just turns the power off.
Ford is loving every minute of his US media tour. I hate that he’s our spokesperson down there though.
I’ll cherish Trump when he’s 6 feet underground eating dirt for eternity + a day.
Hopefully this afternoon.
Canada will be waiting for you fuckers!
I like to remind my fellow Americans who think Canadians are push-overs that the Nazis feared fighting Canadians more than any other Allied force because of how much more relentless they were on the battlefield.
Canadians are nice, then we’re not. We are savage AF.
And we've had a few months to think up new ways. Come get it.
Elbows up!
Narcissistic abuser tactics, as usual. "I'll be so good to you, babe, the beatings tariffs will stop if you become my wife 51st state."
Cherished. Hah.
I'll cherish commiting war crimes if it escalates.
We’ll invent some new Geneva suggestions. It’s not a war crime if it’s the first time.
What are the protocols/powers involved in declaring something a national emergency? Like what decision power does the president gain in that scenario?
EDIT: This site seems to cover a lot of the benefits gained and what protections are in place to limit overreach, but given the current state of affairs I can’t imagine why Congress would reign in the abuse.
The national guard, on the Canadian Border perhaps, nearest the manufacturing and farming corridor of the neighbor he has been openly threatening to annex, in one of the most heavily populated areas in the country with access to be the largest volume of fresh water in the world perhaps?
No one wants this, this old diapered man needs to go back into the home
I'd rather the West Coast become part of Canada.
I think they should secede and form their own union and then we can ally with them at least as close as we allied with the US. I don't wanna let them in until they've dealt with the baggage that'll come with that breakup, like the gun obsessed rednecks.
Fair enough. I'm trying to convince Cascadia to secede bit by bit.
He can't take a clear 'no' for an answer. No wonder he's a convicted rapist.
Shut the fuck up, Trump. Shut the fuck up.
He's trying to normalize this by actively repeating the crazy. Not to mention that Canada itself is comprised of multiple provinces that are mostly larger than many US States, so this would be more than 51st state (sorry this bothers me a bit even with all the crazy).
Just found the response:
Dear President Trump and the Republican Party of the United States,
Canada is a federation of 10 provinces, each with sovereignty equal to, if not greater than, the states in your Union, whose sovereignty and rights you are such great champions of.
Therefore Canada would not become the 51st state. It would become the 51st, 52nd, 53rd, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th and 60th states. Each with two senators and a proportional number of representatives in Congress.
Your kind offer of joining your Union has been accepted. Please prepare accommodations for 20 new senators and dozens of new representatives, and kindly inform Senator John Thune and Congressman Mike Johnson there will be new elections for Senate majority leader and Speaker of the House.
Please do not worry about security for the new senators and representatives, which will be provided by units of Joint Task Force 2 that will be arriving shortly in the DC Metro area.
Looking forward to working with you,
Yours truly,
All good, except we Canadians don’t want to be Americans. Like ever. Under any circumstance whatsoever. I’ll die Canadian.
A reverse electoral conquest would be galaxy brain levels of geopolitics
it's cute but no, he's fucked up enough that he might accept and I have absolutely no interest in being part of their union under any circumstances.
Yup, Canada is freer and richer* than the US.
*Note that the common measure of "economic success" is GDP, which does not include public sector or exports. As a result the country with the smallest public sector per captia and the least amount of exports looks significantly better than it actually is.
Not an actual option, of course, just to get them to remember the saying "Be careful what you wish for..."
Don't forget our three territories,, all of which need full representation...
And our provinces are so large they should each be split in 5, making us the 51-102 states.
Extrortion 💯%
Until you put your rabid dog down-fast, and hard, America is NOT welcome in Canada!
Fuck you, America!
None of those statements are supported by any facts, or data. The opposite is mostly true.
You want to manufacture an invasion?
This WILL hurt the average American more than it will us.
Cherishing people against their will has some blatant sexual assault tendencies to it. Someone should probably investigate.
I find it so, so funny that he has no idea how much these comments cement the desire to avoid such a thing.
Complete and utter lack of tact resulting in hardened opposition to his desired goal.
Sovereignty is non-negotiable
Canada could save the world by doing this. First off it would be 10 states, not 1 because of the 10 provinces. 9 would be farther left than any American Democrats. That's 18 new left Senators and 40+ House of Representatives all who hate Trump and the American Right wing party.
Canada representatives would be able to immediately impeach and convict Trump and Vance. The Speaker of the house would be Canadian and therefore become President. After fixing America, you could vote to secede. Republicans would vote overwhelmingly to let you go back to being Canada.
Ignoring the fact that the US government has been dismantled and replaced by a dictator, and the rule of law will be dictated by him.
NOBODY has the power to enforce the rules in government anymore! Who? WHO?
Except “The People” - en masse!
…and americans are soft and fat now and unable to resist, much less fight against a dictator who has put them under his heel.