What a joke these folks are!
What a joke these folks are!
What a joke these folks are!
The fact they don’t know (or pretend not to) why this is happening is the stupid part.
Conservatives are always talking about being "Alpha Males" and the first thing they do here is cry to Daddy Musk that people are being mean to them and can't Daddy punish all the meanies for them?
From the US Department of Justice:
Hate Crime: At the federal level, a crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.
So is their argument that owning a Cybertruck is a disability? Because they might have a point there....
It's a religion
It's definitely a sexual orientation
Wait, is that what cyber-sex is??
I ws going to say "Cybertruck owner" and "Elon stan" aren't protected classes, but you make a good point.
They have been collectively working very hard to reclaim the word 'retard', otherwise why use it so much?
Same crybabies that vandalized private property with those dipshit I did that stickers.
These people are so stuck in their world holy shit. Do they really not see why people hate Elon???
They genuinely don't understand hatred and how it manifests in the world.
Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!
We're being harassed for having common sense
There's a lot to unpack here.
"It's just (race) science!"
He supports Elon? He deserves all the hate he gets.
The President doesn't respect any laws. Why should any of its citizens?
I can't think of a worse place to own a Cybertruck than Seattle, aside of course from areas with unpaved roads or any uneven terrain
Seattle roads are such a mess they might as well be unpaved lol. But yeah any time I see one here I wonder if they ever park or if they just drive in circles for a few hours then go back home
San Francisco, maybe?
Nah, there's gobs of them out here. I see one pretty much every day. The bay area is not the leftist mecca it is made out to be, there are a LOT of hard right tech bros out here who are on the Elon/Thiel/Yarvin train. Sure, you're gonna find more lefties who are more left than most places but the average is centrist lib, especially in SF proper.
Why does someone mention common sense in the thread ;) ?
How are car owners a protected class?
People supporting Elon are definitely a cult. And considering the amount of real estate Elon has, I'd say they qualify as a religion according to Frank Zappa.
Ultra carbrain: terminal diagnosis.
Anybody have a link where I can buy those stickers? So I can keep them in a drawer safe and sound, of course.
good on you! making sure they dont fall into the wrong hands, i assume
I too have a very empty drawer.
let's say I hypothetically sprayed these down with salt water
I know they used to have issues with surface rust, do they still have that?
Bleach also makes a very good oxidizing agent.
Hydrogen peroxide works pretty well. Especially the high concentration stuff they sell for hydroponics.
Hypothetically are you going to carry salt water e everywhere with you? Seriously?
Ita so much easier to carry small sachets of salt in tour pocket and way more discreet to tear open, pour into your palm and just accidentally put it all over the car as you walk past.
Remember, folks. Black bloc is your friend.
Vandalizing Swasticars en masse may not just be a fever dream anymore.
This is Michael Scott in real life. It's pretty much a lock that, though his fancy financial footwork, he also finds himself tremendously in debt on the truck.
It's wrong to harass people and vandalize private property for your need for political vengeance. What does a guy driving his cybertruck to work have to do with your political positions? How did you become such terrible people?
Die mad about it, fascist.
i think it’s valid expression of opposition to the very real rise in authoritarian and facist-adjacent ideologies. and judging by the pictured replies, these particular tesla fans aren’t exactly the most well adjusted or compassionate people.
plus, and this is just me being staunchly “eat the rich”, it’s not like they can’t afford to fix it. the net-harm done is much lower when the “private property” in question is best described as a $100,000 toy.
it’d be a different situation entirely if the primary reasons for owning a swastitruck weren’t either ideological, infantile, or both. but c’est la vie, it’s the world we live in.
if you're knowingly using nazi products, you're a nazi
Supporting a Nazi is generally viewed as wrong also