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Bernie Sanders keeps saying Ol-ah-gawky but I thought it was o-le-garky?

Have I been mis-prouncing it this whole time? English is not my first language I am French. I am talking about Oligarchy

  • Bernie has a very strong Brooklyn accent which is why the R turns to aw, but either pronunciation is totally fine.

  • The further NE you go in the US the more non-rhotic the dialect becomes, more or less.

  • You are correct. It is le garky not la garky. But Bernie does not follow the norms of gendered language.

  • You should hear how us mountain folk pronounce it.

    Awl-uh-garky, or all-uh-gurky are the two most common at my shooting club (and yes, left wing shooting clubs exist in the south, even here in the sticks).