At arguing against forced conscription is "propaganda" and "misinformation"
At arguing against forced conscription is "propaganda" and "misinformation"
At arguing against forced conscription is "propaganda" and "misinformation"
But that would still be a democracy, wouldn't it? I mean that's just concerned with how a government works and how it's backed and in relationship with the people.
And yes, I've not actively participated in those kinds of protests for a while... But I went past some minor ones and had a brief look at them. Plus I know some people who do such things. So I have relatively direct access to information.
And yes, people might be agitated. But I'm not sure if I get your point. Are you interested in Germany's society and democracy? And the fine nuances of our democratic processes and the police force and how good they are at their job? I mean there definitely are issues, we're not perfect. And there are both structural issues and people who are unfit for the job. But does that make Scholz a dictator? I'd say no.
So... What's the last Israel or climate crisis protest in Germany you've been participated?
If scholz were to pass martial law they would turn into a ruler that more resembles a dictator.
Anyway the "democracies" we live in have more in common with a dictatorship than the perfect ideal of democracy one has in mind. Go protest a topic your government doesn't like (gaza genocide for germany) and you will be treated close to how anti-war protesters get treated in russia.
So, why are you right on that? Did you try protesting gaza genocide? Did you see what happened?
I remember quite well some videos being posted here on lemmy like the police chasing the kid with the palestine flag.
So your source is in fact internet propaganda... Do you know why they did it? Or what happened to the boy after?
Police deemed a protest including violence and vandalism wasn't a good place for an unsupervised 10 year old boy. So they took him out of there, whether he liked it or not. And proceedingly returned him to his father. That's it.
I mean I wasn't there. But I have no reason to question the validity of that. And looking at the video, these policemen and women were super chill. They didn't lay a hand on that child. They barely touched him. And they completely ignored the protesters and bystanders throwing things at them and the kid. Which is very remarkable IMO. Usually if you throw things at police, they don't like that at all. Especially if they're not wearing a helmet.
Police deemed a protest including violence and vandalism wasn’t a good place for an unsupervised 10 year old boy. So they took him out of there, whether he liked it or not. And proceedingly returned him to his father. That’s it.
"they took him out of there and returned him to his father"
You are making some big police apologia here, the video is there for anyone to see. A quick search on youtube with keywords like "police germany protest" will show plenty of videos of police gently helping people their way home.
What would you do? The law is pretty clear on that minors are to be protected from harm. Would you rather officials ignore the law and instead just do whatever they like to people? Would that be more democratic in your opinion?