Salt before food in the microwave or after?
Salt before food in the microwave or after?
Salt before food in the microwave or after?
microwaves are for reheating food, not cooking it
salting should happen during cooking
Cooking is chemistry. You want to add salt before and during cooking, generally not after.
Chemistry is what I hoped someone would chime in on. The human needs access to the salt. So the question becomes which form has better nutrient uptake? Also does heat alter the compound substantially in the presence of various food chemistries?
I'm pretty unclear about what you're asking. So I'll do my best to answer them as I read it.
Humans need salt. As far as I know, there is not chemical reaction in our cooking that transforming the molecules in salt (Na+ and Cl- for table salt).
With that said, I believe OP was answering of when to add salt for flavor maximization.
Since salt doesn't transform the process of cooking, nutrient absorption is the same. Microwaving doesn't alter food despite it being radiation. Microwaves heat your food by vibrating the water molecules.
Seasonings like dried herbs go before 👌😫
I put food on my salt before and after
I've fooded after salt and before food in the past
Day before? :)
IDK though!
The real answer is to try both and stick with the way that you prefer, whether that be because you prefer the taste or find it easier.
After, I got to gauge how much salt is needed as I eat.
Generally, you want to salt ss early in the process as tasting is possible. Allowing it to cook into the food makes it more effective, and you'll usually end up using less overall.
After since I always season to taste.
Warmer food is usually more aromatic and because of that, the flavors are much more defined.
Salting colder food is likely to result in over-salting, if done to taste.
What are you preparing in the microwave? Quite possibly the answer is both.