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What do I want for my birthday?

It's that time of year again when my partner gets upset with me because I'm not the kind of person that ever wants anything...

My partner always wants this or that. They mention things they want all the time. So I write down what I hear. Gift holidays are covered easily because I try to pay attention.

I feel bad though. I know it's hard when I don't talk about things I want. And when asked, I don't know what to say. It only ends up causing me anxiety.

This is so dumb. What does a person who doesn't want things want for their birthday?

  • Full disclosure, I peeked at your comment history.

    How about those phone mounts and maybe a neat 2-in-1 tripod/monopod for your binoculars? Or a shoulder sling?

    Otherwise, my go-to is an experience like others suggested. Escape room, paint nite, afternoon of pool/ bowling/ mini golf, Top Golf, cooking class, museum visit, comedy night, hockey game, roller skating, hiking, music bingo/pub trivia, or consider a hotel room nearby for the night with an indoor pool or my absolute favorite...a cabin weekend with a hot tub and a real wood-burning fireplace.

    • Damn it! I clearly want things! Why don't I think to write these things down!?

      You're only slightly creepy for looking at my comment history, but also pretty dang smart for doing so.

      It would take some research, but maybe they can help with that. I think that's the frustrating part for them because they don't know the first thing about these things, but hey... they are the ones who want to get me something. Haha.

      Years ago, they bought me clamp on lenses for my phone, but it did not fit. I have a new phone now and I would love lens that I could mount to it. There's a company that makes custom cases so they easily attach. I didn't want to bother getting a new case, but my partner might want to do just that.

      And if I don't dig it, we can always return it and try again. Hopefully that wouldn't be too offensive. I've done that in the past and never ended up buying a replacement item even though I promised I would. 😬

      So yeah, an attachable lens or mount that would affix my phone to my binoculars when birding. And I think there are monopod stands, kind of like a tripod but only one leg, which can be used to keep things like binoculars stable. Maybe something like that if it isn't too weird looking. Lol

      Thank you, creepy internet sleuth! It's so funny that I wrestle with what to think of when I know I've expressed interest in things. I don't know why I couldn't think of that on the spot. I very rarely actually get those things, but others might want to go that extra step and actually get them as a gift!

      This can work!

  • Pick something you already have and use often, like a phone charger or an office chair or a pair of shoes, and ask for a higher quality version of the same thing. Something that will last longer or be more comfortable.

  • Same, I’d honestly just skip my birthday if that was an option

  • I also don’t like receiving gifts from my spouse. So I just tell her to buy my bar tab for the night.

    • Ha! I so very rarely go for drinks, mainly because I don't wanna pay for it. Lol. If only I married someone who was independently wealthy. Oh well, no take backsies. 😁

      • Lol my wife isn’t rich either. She works as an insulator, so me makes decent enough money that she can buy me 60 bucks worth of beer once a year tho.

  • A pair of Calico Cut Pants

    • I don't know what those are, but I did damage some pants recently which I was going to fix. But fixing things annoys the hell out of my spouse because I can usually endlessly keep things going on forever when... we could just go shopping... which would make them excited. I could use a couple t-shirts as well.

      I hate shopping... and it drives me nuts that i would need to do it on my birthday... But my birthday is an opportunity to bring joy to my family. People love giving gifts!

      I know this sounds all weird and backwards. I just don't really want things, but there are things that I could use which seem mundane to me but can be fun for others to pick.

      Thank you!

      Still no idea what makes pants calico. Lol.

      • Oh u gotta watch more InThink You Should Leave.

        Maybe have them donate to some charities of your choice.

        Happy birthday!

  • Tell them the they are the only gift you need and how lucky you are to have them in your life. Anything material just pails in comparison.

    • Ha! To which they will then melt in my arms and kiss me and tell me just how wonderful I am... only to then punch me in the arm and say... "now tell me what I can get you, dammit, or I will hurt you more!" 😁

  • If your partner is a craftsy type, you could suggest that they craft something for you. It was always those gifts that meant the most to me when I was with someone craftsy. It doesn't have to have utility, or be perfect, it just means the world that someone spent time and thought creating something for you.

    • Now this is a great idea and why i asked this question in the first place! Not sure why I wasn't thinking of it.

      They once made me an incredible crocheted dice bag. It's a crocheted bottle and cork with a baby red dragon wrapped around it protecting it. It took time and effort, looks super cool, was cheap to make, and I love it! This is the kind of thing that would make them feel great in giving and I love it too!


  • my usual responses when asked are:

    • Cheap one: 6 pack of beer and a pizza
    • Middle one: bottle of vodka and a take out
    • Expensive one: bottle of scotch and a bar of dark chocolate

    booze and food are always welcome with me lol

  • Get a hobby. You'll always need/want stuff if you become a photographer or a fisherman or a pnp-player or a ...