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  • I'm drinking piña coladas
    \ While watching exposés
    \ Of speedrunning cheaters
    \ Breaking rules of the games
    \ And it's narrated by an Aussie
    \ But from Queensland they are
    \ But they're actually quite funny
    \ So I'll forgive that faux pas

  • Heading back to melbs today.

    Haven't been back since xmas. Gonna be a shock going through the CBD. Always blows my mind down here you only see a few people daily (usually on the foreshore / beach / shops) but people go out of their way to interact. Had more convos with randos down here in the last month than I have in the last 2 years in melbs.

    I say bring back the rando convo.

    • No thanks. I always get stuck with the itchy weirdo rando.

    • I always get found by people with dementia. I must look like I have the answers for them. Either that or I've worked too long with oldies and can spot it a mile away.

  • Stuff cooking. I hear some fish & chips calling my name.

    I small fisherman's basket later ... damn it just hits the spot tonight.

  • Headphones! My work headphones for about six years have been a pair of Google Pixel earbuds that have been fine. No complaints, nothing to rave about. I've ogled a pair of Sony XM5's for the longest time, but have never been able to justify buying a pair while I have a perfectly working pair.

    The Pixels are starting to wear out. I'll be getting replacement headphones this year.

    Here the thing: If I wait a couple of months, I'll have enough points for a free pair of Apple Airpods Max. Only, at work the only Apple device I have is the iPad. I have a Macbook at home, but these will be for work. The biggest strength of Airpods is their ability to seamlessly work with all your Apple devices. They'll do regular Bluetooth, but they aren't special for that.

    The Airpods are stupidly priced at $900. Even getting them for free that pricetag is the biggest thing I have against them. I don't really want to look like the sort of moron who would waste that much money on a pair of headphones. I thought of getting them, selling them and then buying a pair of Sonys. Only, Ebay seems to have Airpods going at around the price of the XM5's anyway. So, that pathway looks like a hassle for no real gain.


    1. Buy a pair of XM5's and claim them on tax like a normal person.
    2. Get the Airpods and cope.
    3. Get Airpods, sell them and get XM5's. Put the remainder towards something I actually want.
    4. Get a free pair of cheaper Beats headphones and look like even more of an idiot who pays too much for headphones.

    What to do? I don't suppose anyone has had any experience with both XM5's and the Airpods Max, do they?

    • My bose ones were 500 and I felt like a fuckwit but my god they sound so fucking good lol

      Get the airpods

    • I have the XM4's and they are fantastic headphones. I use mine alongside my Airpods Pro (the earbuds) as there's times I don't feel like wearing over ear headphones (eg. when it's hot). I would go whatever path leads to you to having the XM5's. The Airpods Max are so overpriced for what they offer in my opinion. And this is coming from someone who owns multiple Apple products.

    • I wear at least one in ear headphone most of the workday and a lot on weekends. I have used Apple, Sony, and Bose

      To date, the Bose quite comfort ultra has been the best, no question. Comfort, volume, sound quality, ambidextrous controls, noise cancelling, etc.

      I have owned 2 pairs of Sony XM 4s and although they sound great, they battery degrades after a year and won’t hold a charge (on both pairs)

      Airpods just don’t fit my ear hole properly and I don’t think there’s size adjustment capability?

      Also: MrsGod has Sony XM 5 and still going strong after a year. She likes them.

    • I got my XM3 cans May 2019 and they're still going great. Somewhat grotty as I also use them as ear muffs, eg chainsawing and wood chipping. I've probably used them at minimum 4h a day 4 days a week in that time. Still finish the day with about 50% charge left in them. The XM5s don't fold down which could be a travel concern but I haven't actually folded my xm3s away very often. I went to Amsterdam for a few months so used the case on the plane. I have a big head so tend to prop them above my ears as required, vs my friends wife who can wear them as a bit of a necklace. I see the XM5s on sale on ozbargain pretty often.

      1. Claiming things on tax really depends on which tax bracket you're paying. eg, I'd only be getting 30% back because I don't earn a lot. If you're paying 47% tax it's a bigger discount.
      2. Ew, not for me.
      3. I'd probably do this personally, you can still claim the XM5s on tax.
      4. Ew.

      I'd consider Airpods Pro Gen 2 as I hear great reviews of them, also mum's going a bit deaf but is too tight to buy herself some, I could palm them off to her as hearing aids.

      The sony cans can get hot in summer, I also have an Aftershokx bone conduction headset which are great in the heat, but don't "block" any sound as they keep my ear canals open - for cycling.

    • Sadly don’t have any experience with either.

      I used to be fairly big into the audio space, took me awhile but I worked out what sort of sound signature suited me best and went and experiments with a ton of headphones and stuff.

      What are you looking for in a pair of earbuds/pieces or headphones?

      • Headphones I can wear all day at work. Noise blocking is fine (it isn't that noisy in the office). I need to take video calls a couple of times a day, so the mic quality is crucial. I don't want to be raising my voice to be heard by other parties as that'll annoy people in my area.

        I love my Jabra in-ear headphones for running, but they're not awesome for calls and they'll go flat after about 4-5 hours of constant use. In fairness, they're probably ok for wearing all day with a couple of charges in their case but the mic quality isn't good enough.

    • Honestly I would do #1 or #2. No-one is going to know or care how much the airpods retail for so if you want them go for it. I would probably go for the xm5s just to avoid apple not playing nice with non apple but I haven't tried them (I have Bose QC at home / whenever I need full on noise cancellation and pixel buds everywhere else). The Sony's have a good name.

      I don't suppose you can try them both at JB Hi-fi like for over ear ones?

  • Alright, I'm home. I'm going to stretch out the anticipation and murder the tower of dishes, vacuum, and shower before I lose several hours to the show of the season. I suppose this is not dissimilar to the concept of "edging"

    E: I have watched it. I suppose, in line with the theme above...

    • Hehe. I guess it’s all about delayed gratification in both cases… and so nice to wake up in the morning with the chores done

      • Not just waking up in the morning, even sitting myself on the couch right now - I feel like I've earned it... and once I've watched today's episode I can spend as long as I like trawling through theories with no guilt!

        I am normally very bad at doing the delayed gratification thing so today is a real win

  • Home in record time and all settled now, let the weekend begin.

    Dodged school traffic, home in 17 mins, could have been down to 15 if people wouldn’t make right turns at super busy roads.

  • On my second coffee but all I have succeeded in doing is adding a heightened layer of anxiety over the overwhelm. I have so much to do I can't find a place to start 😭😔

    But haircut after work. New colour I think...dunno what yet...

  • Blah. Set myself up in a room and someone’s taken my spot and I’ve had to move again to have some time and coffee to myself.

    Not ideal start.

  • I’ve had my lunch and cued up an afternoon of Quebecois folk music. Back to work

    • I binged on that stuff a couple of years ago. Quebec Redneck Bluegrass Project are now a favourite.

  • Our Caffeine , who art heavenly , hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily coffee. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us into temptation; and deliver us a triple shot cappuccino.


  • Anyone got good leads on places to acquire non-white patterned sheer curtains? Doesn't need to be skulls & bats, but not bloody granny florals would be grand.

    • Spotlight has pinstripes, plains and semi-geometrics as well as the granny florals. I would imagine most manufacturers would have at least some designs that aren't floral.

      random selection

      • You're getting different search results than I. Looked there first specifically because of the sale. Bugger the internet, will go in person.