If we're changing the name anyway, I'd like to throw in my suggestion
If we're changing the name anyway, I'd like to throw in my suggestion
If we're changing the name anyway, I'd like to throw in my suggestion
What about the Gulf of Wynn? My child, you really do deserve a vacation...
I feel like Wynn would be a better name for a bay(oran)…
I think that was the original name about 66 million years ago, which is why someone threw a giant rock at it from space.
My child, if I thought the Prophets wanted you to know the purpose of the meteor, I would have informed you of it in advance.
What about the Gulf of Garak? Then we can go back to ignoring this simple body of water. Nothing of significance has ever come out of that gulf anyway.
That would ELIMinate a lot of discussion at least!
Oooo playing the deep cuts!
That rolls off the tongue a lot easier than its new "official" name.
Let’s just hope I’m not in Lakarian City, USA in a few years…
Too late. We're already at the point where Kira should be schooling you on resistance tactics
He didn't get a mere statue; he got an entire sea!
3/10 - not a statue and not on Bajor
I’ll just leave this url here.
I haven't followed my mastodon account much but this is definitely an account i have to follow. MCGA Make Cardassia Great Again!
The Gul!!!!
Organic Maps is spiffy!
Also works in sandboxed Android Auto on GrapheneOS Pixels.
Why does it get its mapping data from? Because we don't want an Apple map situation when they reckon the Eiffel tower is in the middle of the North sea.
Open Street Maps