barrel roll
barrel roll
barrel roll
You should never propose if you are not 100% sure the answer is yes. You talk about it before. The only thing that should be a surprise is where and how you propose.
is that what you should or shouldn't do, eh?
To be fair — if I talked to my hypothetical pilot boyfriend and agreed I would marry him and then he proposes on a flight he pilots, in front of all the passengers, I might say No no matter what we discussed previously. Because that would certainly make me question the whole relationship.
There can never be a 100% sure while the where and how to propose is still open, since it includes a lot of scenarios that range from uncomfortable to batshit insane.
Hopefully your hypothetical pilot boyfriend would understand that about you before proposing and not do such a thing.
Presumably in the OP, he had a sense of what would be exciting for her.
By hypothetical do you mean AI boyfriend and by say no do you mean your just worried about the plane being distracted? It didn't go well for Bender I doubt it would for you.
I don’t understand public proposals intentionally done before a crowd. Proposals at other people’s weddings are downright bizarre.
They are only bizare if they didn't get permission from the couple that's having their wedding.
Otherwise they can be a nice suprise for the wedding.
As for public one's in general they are 100% bizarre.
the more people are watching, the harder it is to say no
I was at a hockey game last weekend where a guy proposed. The camera man couldn’t even be bothered to walk down and catch their faces so all we saw was the back of their heads on the Jumbotron, I thought it was hilarious.
At other peoples’ wedding, that’s just rude.
The implication 😈
“No one’s in any danger! How could I make that any more clear to you? Okay. It’s an implication of danger.”
I imagine things would take a nosedive
"Ehhh, this is your captain speaking, ehhh, we're gonna be experiencing some turbulence as the plane heads straight down into the ocean, ehhh, please remain seated while the seat belt light is on."
Did you get clearance, Clarence?
Roger, Roger.
What’s my vector Victor?
That's an implication for sure
Because if the girl said 'no', then the answer is obviously 'no'. But the thing is she is not gonna say no. She would never say 'no', because of the implication.
Really makes you think, was this what happened with MH370? Was this theory ever put out there
I'm sure Russia tried that excuse at one point
I heard the pilot had three copies of The Sims 3
The other day we were playing a video game and my 5 year old shouted "DO AN AILERON ROLL!!"
We must be doing something right.
He’s winging it. It’ll be a turbulent relationship.
God dammit.
"Please say yes, for fucks sake!"
I mean, that's... the implication, right?
Me as a random passenger, 10 minutes after take-off, and crawling up on the shoreline...
Makes sense, couldn't afford to take time off to do it somewhere nice
Some people like to do it somewhere important, or that has a special relevance to their relationship.
So really it was there or the delta Business lounge bathrooms.
Honestly I thought it said pilot proposed to "my" girlfriend.
To be fair, it doesn't specify whose girlfriend it was, so it could be yours.
"Babe you have to take this one for the team"
"Based on the fact you called V1 too early, I'm going to say no."
That doesn't sound like good crew resource management...
if i can't have you, nobody will !!!
Gordon Lightfoot plays softly in the background
🎶This old airport's got me down. It's no earthly good to me. And I'm stuck here on the ground, as cold and drunk as I can be🎶
And don't forget the coffee!
@ooli2 girls are smart, she's on the plane too. Yes, now, second thoughts when we're all on the ground 😉