Say no to mansplaining
Say no to mansplaining
Say no to mansplaining
I feel like "mansplaining" has lost all meaning. It used to be about men going out of their way to correct someone that didn't need correcting, particularly if they were wrong themselves, and most often with women. Now people use it on men just...saying things to anyone.
I get that people are touchy on the subject, and I respect anyone's right to not want or need help. I think how Mr. Solomon handled it was correct - ask if they want your input and respect their answer. It'd just be nice if people didn't use cultural memes to dismiss others out of hand.
We used to call these people patronizing but it got gendered for some reason
I feel like “mansplaining” has lost all meaning
Yeah, they misused the term.
Mr. Solomon handled it was correct - ask if they want your input and respect their answer.
You forgot step #3! Not whine about it online.
He offered, they declined, we didn't need to hear about it. The only reason we heard about it is because he felt slighted, or is trying to make some anti-feminist point. I'm sad that he felt bad, but not everyone is going to want the free stuff you're offering. That doesn't make them bad people, or feminism a bad movement.
So if a female biologist who wrote a PHD thesis on the origins of RNA overheard some men talking about the origins of life and when the women wants to chime in because she is a subject matter expert, the men tell her they "don't need a black woman's explanation". And after being told this she is in the wrong for venting online? Please. Your just as sexist as the people you claim to be opposed to.
"No Mansplaining" sounds more like an excuse to avoid a conversation you feel insecure about
If you’re talking about the post title, I was being sarcastic.
Ed was sat next to two redditors it seems.
Yeah, pretty much the same as men back in the days telling a woman to shut up because she's just a woman. Now it's white males who are told to shut up because they're just white males. Same shit, different target.
It sometimes feels like feminism and emancipation is not about freeing women, but to take vengeance for centuries of oppression on the white men who live today, regardless of whether they fit the pattern or not. It hurts to see that society does not seem to have learned from its mistakes. We're making them again. This time only in the opposite direction.
Just don't explain anything and you don't have to worry. At work only interact with your own gender and never be alone with the opposite. Better to be safe than sorry.
Don't ever, for any reason, do anything for anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter where. Or who, or who you are with, or where you are going or... or where you've been... ever. For any reason, whatsoever.
Wow. That sucks.
Seems like we white males are going to have a tough time, regardless of whether we're actually quite nice, fun and okay-ish, average dudes or the Next Big Predator Trump type asshole. The fact alone that we're white and male is obviously enough to be judged and disrespected.
Maybe, but I'm certain we're privileged enough that we can take it and will be just fine.