Makes your jaw drop in amazement
Makes your jaw drop in amazement
Makes your jaw drop in amazement
"have to" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here
He just wanna to peace in piss
He was postpissing, but he stopped.
When I get my own place there will be a urinal in the bathroom. Why wouldn't there be one? So efficient.
Doesn’t your bathroom have a sink?
the spray
My dad installed a urinal in his bathroom. He loved it and never regretted the installation.
How is it any more efficient than a toilet with high and low volume flush options?
It's not that hard to go inside and use the bathroom. That dude's a troglodyte.
Maybe he had 3 daughters who's constantly occupying the bathroom
While this execution is gross, I had a coworker whose husband worked at the dump and he got his hands on a portapotty (like the construction ones). Cleaned it out, took it home and built a nice little outhouse around it. It was perfect for when they were in hot tub or just hanging out outside and didn't want to wet/muddy the house.
Shorty's got a great idea there, I think. Gonna need a banana for scale, seems like he must be 1.3 meters tall.
Nope. He set it low on purpose to support men of all ages.
Fair enough. I like it when someone considers others in their plans.
I could be wrong but that doesn't look like a downspout. He's storing pee in a decorative support column.
It's definitely a downspout. That fitting on the bottom is a receiver for pipes under the concrete.
Looks to me like a downspout that carries the "water" under the concrete and probably lets out somewhere else.
I could be wrong
You are wrong.
I am wrong
That's a downspout. In a lot of countries they hook up to a municipal stormwater system
*by which i mean the piping leads to street gutters