ADL Re: elon hitler salute
ADL Re: elon hitler salute
ADL Re: elon hitler salute
I truly hate how liberals talk. "This is a delicate moment" man shut the fuck up. Free Palestine
Good god it fucking sucks and who does it even convince but the already libbed up zionist (who is probably halfway to abandoning american liberalism to begin with, and not in the good way)
Maybe we actually shouldn't be delicate. Maybe now is the time for being as forceful as possible. Maybe that time has been the case for a while and your whole dumbass organization is a sham.
Billionaire (presumptive administrative figure) hitting a double Sieg Heil combo at his speech at the presidential inauguration: uwu he didn’t mean it he’s my friend and he doesn’t have internet he didn’t know he’s learning and growing can’t we all just get along
College students doing a sit-in to stop synthesizing gore video #5894: Send in the national guard. Unlimited Kent state. Leave no survivors. Your children are all Hitler. Billions must perish.
when our turn comes there will be no excuses for the terror
tired of getting stunted on
These are the people who say supporting Palestine makes you a Nazi btw
Supporting Palestine: Nazi, antisemitic
Doing a Nazi salute: erm, not a Nazi
Report their twitter post as antisemitic please
doing it lmao
I don't always love the way people on hexbear talk about things (I promise my petty objections are all about the insular stuff, not the politics and I'm grateful to be federated with you) but other spaces are basically not equipped to handle this shit. The others have way too many hangups about their liberal favs ever being wrong.
sometimes, you gotta give it to us
Damnit, we're going to see the ADL dismiss the Holocaust as a "heated gamer moment" within the next 4 years
Meanwhile, a sixth grade student brings watermelon slices to a school party and he should get 10 years in a super max.
“Pepe the frog is a hate symbol. Allow me to play right into 4chan’s hands and make fascists look good in the process!”
“An actual seig heil? Uhh….just a muscle spasm bro.”
How do they speak for Jewish people again? because from this, they might as well have been one of organizations that helped nazis kill Jews around eastern Europe.
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You just know these zionists are like yeash and tugging at their collar over this, you weren't supposed to go full blood and soil until Palestine was wiped off the map Elon.
"This is a new beginning" is some fucked vibes
Is this finally the New World Order that everyone's been talking about since the pandemic?
Trump sounding like he's gonna do some Khmer Rouge style year zero shit.
Is this a reference to something specific or just fucked up vibes?
I assume it's simply a reference to the new administration
That doesn't cancel out the fucked vibes though
oh shit, i completely looked over that. phrase is overtly ominous.
enthusiastic chest thumping nazi salute: i sleep
free palestine: real shit
imagine being greenblatt and flat out posting "I am a kapo"
Hahahaha fucking incredible
The worst part about Zionists taking it as given that they speak for all Jews is that some people will believe them.
I thought they'd have something against the Trump admin since he brokered the ceasefire, but I guess they only care for open support of Palestinians.
Could have sworn we had this as an emoji.
Hexbear avoids using it because it's a common nazi meme. They often conflate trans people with drag shows, thus both are "obviously people in clown makeup." It's not an inherent part of the meme. It's just that it can too easily end up having negative connotations.
ADL today sowing: ha ha yes yes eat shit Muslims we're best friends with fascists now!
ADL tomorrow reaping: yo wtf you killed off the Muslims now you're putting ME in a camp too? This sucks!
I feel any modern resurgent antisemitic movement wouldn't have camps for Jewish people but instead focus on deporting them directly to Israel. Then Israel would conscript them to the IDF and settlement projects.
What are we going with?
Amerikkkan Defence League
Auschwitz Defence League
Apartheid Defense League is what I've been seeing