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  • It's off right now.

    Also, inxi? Better use uptime, that command is actually available on all systems and literally exists to check uptime.

      uptime -p

      for a human-readable format. Here's mine on my Hetzner VPS:

      root@snapshot-199288474-ubuntu-16gb-hel1-1:~# uptime -p
      up 8 weeks, 6 days, 8 minutes
  • That was my family's email server 5 months ago:

    So roughly 2500 days today 🙂

    • security updates are for cowards, amirite? 😂

      seriously though, Debian 7 stopped receiving security updates a couple of years prior to the last time you rebooted, and there have been a lot of exploitable vulnerabilities fixed between then and now. do your family a favor and replace that mailserver!

      From the 2006 modification times, i wonder: did you actually start off with a 3.1 (sarge) install and upgrade it to 7 (wheezy) and then stopped upgrading at some point? if so, personally i would be tempted to try continuing to upgrade it all the way to bookworm, just to marvel at debian stable's stability.... but only after moving its services to a fresh system :)

    • As AOL guy once said

      "You got mail"

      Damnn what an uptime! Cheer to that!

    • At last, a fellow sysadmin! Nice work.

    • Default username: "dr" ?

  • Y'all it takes like 15 seconds to boot from an SSD why are you leaving your computers on?

    • because I can KVM from one computer to another in under 1 second and I dont feel like adding 14 to that. Plus Folding@Home.

      • Those proteins and RNAs are now the domain of deep learning, thankyouverymuch! Pull the plug!

      • Eh, like that's fair its personal preference but the energy waste of just having your PC idle is just weird to me. (Folding@home is totally reasonable)

    • With several comments now showing surprise about this, is sleep mode or hibernation not common knowledge?? Windows and every Linux distro I've tried has sleep mode enabled by default.

      • I wouldn't, and I don't think most people would, consider being in hibernation mode or sleep mode as "on". Sure, it will add to your uptime, but like its a demonstrably different power state.

    • Because they're processing data all the time? They're doing work?

      • Mm, fair if you are running some task while you're not "actively" using the PC. Although given the general sentiment of people in the replies, the leading reason is "I'm lazy" or "its convenient".

  • Usually only as long as I play games. After that, I shut it off. Why?

    • I run Bazzite, which updates itself in the background, but needs a restart to complete
    • It boots in seconds, because modern hard drives are crazy fast
    • The standby-LED is annoying when I sleep

    My laptop is usually on for a week, but I restart it from time to time, for the same reasons, and because devices need some sleep too! 😴

  • It's off at the moment. I turn it off whenever I'm not using it for security reasons, and also just noise reasons so the fan doesn't bother me. It boots relatively quickly so I'm unbothered.

  • When I had big desktop and all, it was running for days/months. Now, I have a miniPC and I start it up Monday morning and shut if down Friday afternoon.

    BlueEther@BlueEthers-MacBook-Air ~ % uptime
    17:18  up 47 days,  6:26, 2 users, load averages: 2.19 2.61 2.56
    blueaether@lemmy:~$ uptime
     04:25:37 up 204 days, 19:45,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 0.15, 0.16

    The TV/server has been up for 38 days, I think it got turned off by mistake last month

  • 7 days currently, 30 days on the previous boot. I had to open it up to install extra drives.

  • I've never had a Windows machine that can stay on longer than ~3 days before developing weird behaviour so it's off right now until I get home.

  • People leave their PC on constantly? I understand leaving servers running but i always turn my PC on in the morning, then off at night once im finished.

  • My Arch system stays on until a firmware package needs an update. Then i cry and scream bc it's only been a month since the last one. Also I just updated a bunch of those, so my system has not been on long.

  • It depends. Sometimes I shut it down every night. Occasionally, I'll leave it in sleep mode for a few days.

    I think the longest uptime I've had on anything I've owned is probably a month or so on a Raspberry Pi 4 server I used to have running with a personal Mediawiki instance (I still have the Pi, but if I ran a server in my dorm, I have the feeling someone might come to bite off my hand).

  • I think my desktop has been on the past couple days because I've been too lazy to turn it off because I caught the flu and basically slept the past couple days away.

  • I have a drive that's roughly 13 years old, and has around 11 years 80 days of power on time if that says how much my computer is on.

    I only restart it when windows updates start fucking with my networking or my audio drives entirely shit the bed.

  • I have all my devices set to reboot once weekly a few hours after daily scheduled updates. I probably don't need to do this, but I do. It's a habit I got in with scheduling router reboots, and then started extending it to other devices. It's nice to have some solid uptime, but I have three unbound DNS servers in sequence so they update and reboot on a staggered schedule so it's like they never go down.

    You never know when the odd cosmic ray is gonna hit and flip yer bits.

  • I turn it off every night or if I'm away for many hours, so about 10 minutes right now.

    I do have a Raspberry Pi that's been up 12 weeks, 5 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes. I believe there was a planned power outage when it was lasted turned off.