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Epic CEO Tim Sweeney says tech leaders are 'pretending to be Republicans' [also Dem] to gain favor with Trump, skirt antitrust laws, and ultimately 'rip off consumers and crush competitors'

  • He's an opportunistic jackass, but he's not wrong.

  • I reckon we will see the biggest transfer of wealth ever during trumps second term. They are all lining up for the big one. I see them trying to undo Labor laws and deregulate across the board.

    I suspect they will push RTO even harder and try to drive down wages but specifically to screw over software developers currently on decent wages firing the lower paid ones, with CEOs claiming AI can do it while manufacturing the narrative that its the new normal 🙄.

    • You'd be surprised to hear that most software devs i talk to think the benefits of ai are overrated. The problem is the bubble keeps growing and growing.

      .. also leads to worse for all in the meantime.

      We're getting it shoved down our throats too. We get asked to use ai to enhance things.. that no one wanted fixed with ai.

      • I added some more words to clarify, I meant the CEOs will claim it is replacing the developers. I'm a dev myself, we know it has its uses and its very obvious limitations.

        Yes they just slap Ai in the marketing and scale up the price.

  • He's 100% right. (Still a douche for what he did to Bandcamp though)

    • What has he done to bandcamp?

      • He bought the company to bolster his lawsuits against Apple and Google, only to fob it off to Songtradr a few years later in the middle of the staff unionising. Songtradr then sacked half the staff (coincidentally all the ones who were part of the union) and still refuse to recognise the union to this day.