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  • what he really means is that "me and my buddies are fucking everyone else and we are afraid that there will be retaliation so we need mass surveillance"

  • Do not fall into the trap of anthropomorphizing Larry Ellison.

    You need to think of Larry Ellison the way you think of a lawnmower. You don’t anthropomorphize your lawnmower, the lawnmower just mows the lawn - you stick your hand in there and it’ll chop it off, the end. You don’t think "oh, the lawnmower hates me" – lawnmower doesn’t give a shit about you, lawnmower can’t hate you. Don’t anthropomorphize the lawnmower. Don’t fall into that trap about Oracle.

  • you hear a sudden beep in your ears

    "Sir you've not been smiling. We really want citizens to be smiling!"

  • I heard a guy tell a story about a vast AI-fueled cluster of bombs strapped to Larry's head set to trigger if he says objectively inhumane, anti-democratic shit can ensure Larry stays a lot quieter.

  • Of course it is, because that AI will totally not be programmed to ONLY surveil the lower tier sub-humans, Riiiiiiiiiight ?