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what was the last game you played in 2024?

Happy new year guys!😀 Just now, it hit midnight here, and it's officially 2025. I was playing Pennon and Battle, and I realized it's the last game I played in 2024!! That gave it a different kind of meaning. Now I'm curious, what was the last game you played in 2024?

  • I just stole someone's sweet role.

    • Roll? Or is this some kind of lie I'm not Khajiit enough to understand?

      • Roal, role, roll, maters not to this one. If you need words ask the Telvanni, if you need maids seek the Argonian, if you desire paths follow the moon.

  • 2 player Mario Kart Wii, 16 race game with aggressive items and motion controls.

    I watched my friend eat 5 blueshells in one race lmao

  • Minecraft with my kid

    creative mode Java through Prism on Steam Deck, connecting to vanilla self-hosted server

  • I've been working my way through Half-Life Opposing Force. It is harder than the base game, but I do enjoy it. It has a lot of ideas like the squad mechanics that would be great to see reworked.

  • Of any game? Codenames. Was playing with family when the clock struck midnight.

    Of computer games, it was probably Kerbal Space Program, which I've just started to get into again over Christmas for the first time in years.

  • When a new game comes out, I'm compelled to play the earlier entries in the series first, so I got the Borderlands collection, and I'm playing through the first game now.

    • Everytime a new Borderlands game comes out (just the major ones), I've replayed the original before getting into the new one. All the sequels have at least one interesting variation on the formula, but none have matched the atmosphere and pacing of the original for me.

  • To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day

    Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say

    No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip

    For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip

    Big iron on his hip