Not necessarily, there can never be a last time if there is never a first time after all...
ponders orb deeply
i fixed
Reported for misinformation
Me, an asexual:
One day you'll not have had sex for the last day of your life.
Question you obviously don't need to answer: do you never get horny?
So I'm not who you asked, but I consider myself to be on the asexual spectrum. No, I don't get horny.
But here's the thing. As a teen, I stumbled into the term asexuality and thought I finally found others like me! But then reading through the forums, most of them seemed to talk about still getting horny and having a libido. They choose to masturbate instead of having sex with a partner. Or, some of them will even still have sex with a partner.
Confusing to me. To me, desiring sexual things at all doesn't fall in line with what the term "asexual" would intuitively seem to mean. It seems like they should have chosen a different term. Still made me feel like an outcast among both the sexual and asexual communities. So people in the community came up with a zillion other terms and sub-terms to describe all the specifics about themselves. To me, it seemed like people were getting lost in the weeds of inventing new words and not seeing the forest.;dr is some do, some don't.
HA! I made it to elder wizard status. Your memes have no power here! croak, die
Broke: One day you'll have sex for the last time in your life
Woke: One day your balls won't ache because you saw a pretty girl, felt extremely horny, and couldn't find an opportunity to wack off.
Tired: one day you'll have sex for the last time
Wired: One day your balls won't ache because you saw a pretty girl, felt extremely horny, and couldn't find an opportunity to wack off.
Retired: one day some old lady will be giving you sloppy in your wheelchair and you'll blow a load of dust into her mouth
Does it count as a gilf fetish if you're both the same age?
Pretty girl? Amateurs.. Tatted GILFs with 3 inch ear loops will be in masses when I'm old.
"Come here Mama let me try those ears of yours...mmmmmMMMMmmmm" - future me or something.
My balls are aching? Damn, I can't even find them!
Not if you never have sex
Bold of you to assume that day hasn't already passed
I probably already have.
I feel like the last time I had sex will be the last time I have sex.
Don't care! Had sex!
Good thing we have bountiful porn.
Yeah dude, it was some time in 2014. I'm good with that.
Ah, yes. I remember that day. It was a confusing day because as I did it, I remember thinking, "This is gonna be the last time, and I don't feel like I should care."
I hear retirement homes get freaky as hell so I'm not so sure about that, also while I enjoy it it's really not that big a deal. As a dad the original one kills me though.
...and it could be many years before your death.
And that day is your wedding day.