Somehow the local authorities manage to out what-the-fuck Carl:
"Shortly after the corpse's discovery by authorities, physicians and pathologists examined Elena's body and put it on public display at the Dean-Lopez Funeral Home, where as many as 6,800 people viewed it.[9]"
Now when you say it's fucked up are we talking like explicitly graphic content shown in detail or just explicit content that's alluded to but not shown?
Taking too many sleeping pills at once or taking sleeping pills and alcohol simultaneously can cause a deadly overdose. Many sleeping pill overdose deaths may be accidental, but some are intentional suicides. If a person becomes severely depressed, he or she may abuse sleeping pills with other drugs to intentionally overdose.
In 2017, 47,173 Americans died by suicide and 13.9 percent of those deaths were caused by poisoning.9 Although an overdose can occur with a high dose of sleeping pills, a deadly overdose caused by sleeping pills is much more common when alcohol is involved.