Japan: Toto says do not wipe toilet seats with toilet paper
Japan: Toto says do not wipe toilet seats with toilet paper

Social media users have complained that their seats were scratched after being wiped with toilet paper.

Japan: Toto says do not wipe toilet seats with toilet paper
Social media users have complained that their seats were scratched after being wiped with toilet paper.
As much as Toto charges for these, I don't think they should be defeated by toilet paper. Do better.
Just as soon as people quit pissing on it.
I supposedly go to work in a building with other adults.
Men who stand to piss has never had to clean the bathroom. It's standard in Germany to sit when pissing. It's also healthy for men, so if you're standing, especially at home, sit the fuck down!
I clean my bathroom, and stand to pee. It's fine.
So standard that they had to have an influence campaign to shame men into "sitz pickling" in homes.
I'm saying this as a man sitting on a toilet peeing at this very moment, so I'm all in favor. But I think the other commenters should know the history.
Personally I'm in favor of sitting when plumbing is involved, and standing out in nature.
sit the fuck down!
Men standing to pee is not nearly as bad as women who hover.
Don't tell me what to do
It's standard in Germany to sit when pissing.
I'm north of the border. Here it's apparently standard not to use the urinals either, but men will walk into the booths and still piss standing.
"it's like a little treat"
Did you know that not everyone has a dick?
That explains so much about German men.
Ah, another person who doesn't have a penis, who doesn't understand that when you sit down and compress everything and then stand up, piss goes everywhere.
Shut up and never speak again on how men should urinate. Unless you're going to equally advocate that men have appropriate waste disposal tools in bathrooms, such as stand-up urinals.
If I shouldn't wipe the seat with toilet paper because it creates micro-scratches, what the hell does it do to my ass?! I don't want to risk scratches or discolouration either!
How on Earth does a toilet seat get scratched from TP?? Are the seats made with super shitty material or is the toilet paper the ass-tearing sandpaper kind?
Even normal tp and tissue fibers are actually surprisingly hard. For example if you wear glasses you should not use tissues to wipe the glasses because it will eventually damage the coating. Something like a cotton T-shirt will be more friendly to your glasses (but it's probably not a good idea to wipe a toilet seat with your t-shirt)
The same reason you don't open letters or cut open cartons with your kitchen knives, also the same reason your kitchen knives should never end up in your dishwasher.
Fyi: clean Glases with a drop of dish Soap(rub with finger) and water. Then clean/polish it with a napkin/toilet paper. Dont use excessive force lol. Just cotton will eventually cause scratches just as well as napkins
Haha shitty toilet seat
I knew I should've worded it differently...
“You’re doo-doo-ing wrong.”
Am I to high or this toilet looks like head with open mouth ? edit: The thumbnail has somehow flipped shadow.
...but I see it too.
It looks like the face from Mars is enjoying his new job.
If it cannot withstand paper, it cannot withstand underwear. This doesn't inspire me with security and reads more like the company trying to push away responsibility for cheap products and/or bad design. Toilets are nothing new, every country has at least a few.
Pulls off mask, revealing "includes features like ... an air dryer".
Funny thing about air dryers and using them near plastics... Yeah, guys, to the people trying to argue that toiler paper is now sandpaper, one, I'm going to venture a guess that an air dryer does more damage, and two, I'm going to trigger you by telling you how I've been using toilet paper to clean my glasses and no problem, they even still have that blue surface level "anti-reflection" protection.
In stead, bless the rains down in Africa. 60% of the time, it works every time.
why are people wiping toilet seats with toilet paper?
especially washlets where you're definitely sitting down to enjoy the seat heating??
Too impatient to wait for the Japanese toilet to blow my freshly-bideted asshole dry, but polite enough to wipe up the questionably poopy water that drips from it when I stand up too soon.
why is the water still poopy?? rinse more!
and just use the TP to dab your butt dry, rather than letting it drip and then wiping up the drips!
Public japanese toilets have bathroom cleaner dispensers on the wall with a picture saying to use toilet paper to clean the seat. The Japanese are notorious for cleaning up after themselves, as well as having clean public facilities.
When I go to a public toilet, I usually clean the seat with the spray hanging on the wall by using toilet paper.
Duh. Everybody knows you should use your tongue.
I got a woodstove recently and got the same warning about the glass door on the front. Don't clean it with paper towels or it will scratch up the glass. They recommend using newspaper instead.
For those who are surprised at the hardness of toilet paper and or paper towels, find a bare aluminum object and rub toilet paper or paper towels on its surface. Really hard with a lot of pressure. It won't take much for black swarf to become visible on the paper as a fine black powder of aluminum is ground off.
This is why we should have let the Wicked Witch of the West get away with it.
Why is this news, lol. I own 2 Toto washlets, this warning is included in their manual.
Toto in my countries are commonly used in public so it kinda makes sense?