Gotta learn it
Gotta learn it
Gotta learn it
I usually code in Language or Script
Don't we all? Amen.
I highly doubt anyone would guess ANSI C is what I'm talking about if I referred to it as C+
The list shows TempleOS's HolyC was known as C+ before. I am sure that is it
my main language is script java
It's just C++ without templates. So whatever element you want to put into std::list, it must virtually inherit std::list::value_type. And of course there will be a macro-based list monstrosity inside Boost.
Types being declarable as virtual members is something I want to never hear again
I have job for you “language” programmers.
Requirements; -minimum 8 years of experiences Etc…
And C‡ is once again not included. For shame.
Holy-C used to be called C+, I think.
And then, comes ScriptJava
Thats just HolyC before it became holy
What kind of programming language is language?
lol it’s like c++ but we removed friend classes and other bullshit no one uses lol
It's just C with a borrow checker.
Well, achually, the Clang compiler along visualcode is planned to compile C++ with a borrow checker implementation.
Also, C is imperative, C++ is object oriented, and Rust is functional programming - which is how they differer fundamentally.
That Rust is the first one with a borrow checker doesn't make every language (or compiler, as I "well achually" myself) that implements a borrow checker Rust.
It just means they have implemented a borrow checker - most likely at compile time, similarly to how macros are just boilerplate code applied at compile time and that it too is a feature available in many programming languages - or compilers.
It's "well achually" all the way down.
Also, I wrote all this when I realized the minus was the joke part making fun of c++ lol
I well achually'ed myself into doing a dumb, which is usually what that does. Hopefully somebody gets something out of this.
To be fair, compiling C code with a C++ compiler gets you all the warnings from C++'s strong-typing rules. That's a big bonus for me, even if it only highlights the areas of your C that are likely to become a maintenance hazard - all those void*
casts want some documentation about what assumptions make them safe. Clang will compile variable-length arrays in C++, so you might want to switch off that warning since you've probably intended it. Just means that you can't use designated initialisers, since C++ uses constructors for that and there's no C equivalent. I'd be happy describing code that compiles in either situation as "C+".
Also stops anyone using auto
, constexpr
or nullptr
as variable names, which will help if you want to copy-paste some well-tested code into a different project later.
Isn't auto
a keyword in C?
It means something else.
Ah yes, I too, program in the Language programming language
Becerdik Patrick! Ülkemizi kurtardık!
I was not expecting turkish Spongebob today
Ama SpongeBob... Ben C bilmiyorum! Tek JavaScript yazmayı biliyorum!
Signed C
Didnt knew Arduino is a programming language now.
To be honest I'm still confused by a lot of these microcontroller languages (PlatformIO/Arduino/ESPHome)...
Are they just drag and drop feature blocks that are essentially C macros, but you never get to see the code and its all abstracted with flow diagrams?
The standard Arduino platform is essentially C, just with some standard hardware-near procedures hidden away as far as I know. You can just write standard C code in two blocks: init and loop. Then the loop block will be repeated for ever. For controlling voltage pins you have easy commands similatlr to like pinState(PinNumber, on/off). I do not know about the others you mentioned, but there definetely is also some implementations for Raspberry Pi control by drag&drop. There is no need to limit yourself with those though.
I don't know about the others, but Arduino is literally just C++ with some macros/library functions.
Now I want to learn Algol++