All I want for Christmas is Christmas
All I want for Christmas is Christmas
All I want for Christmas is Christmas
It would be Seth Rogan dressed in Santa's clothing going, "heh, heh, heh," dropping weed down people's chimney for an hour and a half.
I can already see the bits:
First, he drops a dime bag down the chimney of the local DA. Now, "Santa" is wanted.
He also drops some down a chimney with a fire burning, so the decompressing parents immediately get a contact high.
While flying over Russia, he narrowly avoids rockets after realizing they're not fireworks.
Also, the slay gets grounded because people don't have "Christmas spirit," so he ends up getting pulled over by the police in a christmas slay.
Seth Rogan almost gets arrested until they realize he's "actually" Santa.
Santa Rogan gets back to the slay and finishes delivering cannabis to the entire world. The entire worlds population is high on Christmas and having a great time. News anchors giggle while delivering the news. They get back to the real Santa and apologize. Seth Rogan asks if he's still on the naughty list, Santa says, "I might need to make a new list for you," touches his nose, and dissappears. Roll credits.
The entire worlds population is high on Christmas and having a great time.
There's a shot of a pair of every single conflicting group blazed and hugging each other.
Edit: The movie opens with cousins going on The Walk to avoid their fighting family, don't realize what happens, and ends with a shot of them coming home to find everyone happy
I love that shot. They leave at the start of the movie because of all the shouting, lose track of time, and come back at the end to peace and laughter
christmas slay
Sleigh. Christmas Slay is a very different movie. I think it's good? I don't remember much about it lol
Edit: looked it up, it's great. It's got bill Goldberg chewing scenery. I should watch that one again.
Editx2: nope, that's santas slay. No clue about the Christmas Slay movie now that I think about it
Are you thinking of Santa’s Slay starring Bill Goldberg as Santa?
Slay Santa, slaaaay
Christmas Trees
It feels like this movie exists and is already 15 years old. We need to make it we can just pretend to remember the movie like a fever dream.
i saw this movie and it was great… but the mandela effect deleted it from this timeline
I want this
Isn’t this the plot of one of the Harold and Kumar movies?
It’s either them or Seth Rogan and James Franco.
Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas or something does feature High Santa
Santa wakes up and is like "Dude, where's my sleigh?"
"What's mine say?"
"Holly. What's mine say?"
"Jolly! What's mine say?"
and so on
“We’re hot elves!”
"Where's your sleigh, dude?"
Yasss queen, sleigh
Harold and Kurmar Save Christmas?
These are the kinds of ideas Hollywood is dumb for not taking a chance on. We used to have hella dumb shit like that; and it was awesome!
Featuring Snoop Dogg as the voice of Rudolph.
And they get to smoke different weed from all across the world! Merry Christmas, everyone!
Jay and Silent Bob Christmas Special
I want it
Not a movie but here is a comic:
Kind of reminds me of a DnD campaign prompt I read about once: A seer predicts a coming danger that has the potential to destroy their small kingdom. The king immediately takes action and seeks the greatest mercenaries that money can buy to protect his people. He provides his son, the high prince, with the full treasury, ever single gold piece, and sends him into the badlands to find their champions. The prince immediately blows the gold on hookers and drugs. Panicking and with the small chunk of change left, he hires a party of 5 inept misfits instead. You are those misfits. Good luck, champions.
Starring the same cast from Half Baked in A Half Baked Christmas.
You better not shout,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
He's getting you high.
Santa Claus is coming to toke.
This is such a good idea. It would be one of those movies which have a 6.5 rating but you still enjoy it because it fits the vibe and is just stupid as hell.
6.5 is solid IMO if you like the topic/theme. Where I start getting worries is less than 5.
It's a thought for sure.
Obligatory Onion: Weed Delivery Guy Saves Christmas
Ho Ho Holy crap, I'm so hungry!
Okay, honestly, this idea is hella money, or whatever the kids say these days. Whoever makes this will surely be remembered for some time to come.
Pthat would be really similar to The Santa Clause
Santa gets baked every single year going down all them chimneys.
That's why he eats so many cookies in one night
That totally sounds like a movie Cheech & Chong should have made, which I would have paid to see.
Or Harold & Kumar
"Ted, none of the parents in this neighboorhood seem to be getting presents, is it because they already have such big houses and don't need anything?"
"Nope, his name is on the notty list, let me Google him...oh, he's a Healthcare ceo"
"Damn, should we even be giving his kid a gift?"
"Might as well. If we don't, his dad will just blame immigrants anyways. We don't need to poison the nepo kid even more."
Just shut up and write the script. You can’t just give something this brilliant away!
If Dave Chapelle had kept on making movies…
This Christmas, it is Santa who is half baked.
It feels like we're more likely to get "Avengers: Saving Christmas" than "Two dumb ass friends have a Christmas adventure"
♫ ♪ All of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him names...
They didn't know that Rudolph
suddenly would go insane.
Give it a while and you can get an "AI" to make it 🙄