Leading up to the election, I was keeping tuned in on a lot more. Election over, I'm done listening to people thinking they can predict what's going to happen, or hand-wringing about how bad the last thing that happened was.
An event actually took place? Something actually happened? (This includes "Someone with political power said a thing.") Yes, tell me about that. Cut back to the panel for them to kvetch about it for ten minutes? All done.
Native American genocide, Slavery, Jim Crow, today's migrant labor exploitation, largest prison population on Earth because private profit, Only "developed" nation without universal healthcare because private profit, waged war and conducted extralegal operations around the world to topple prosocial, anticapitalist regimes to keep their resource markets open for our profiteers exploitation, heavy handed influence on other countries to prioritize GDP metastasis over their people's wellbeing.
No it fucking wasn't. We talked a big game of benevolence, even might have veered towards a path of becoming benevolent in the wake of the capitalist created great depression, but that didn't last long. We were shit all the way down, and a destructive force in this world to this day.
North Korea, Russia, China, all bad actor authoritarians that only care about their own elite's power at their people's expense. That doesn't make us a good actor, merely a better marketed/propagandized bad actor that belongs in their company.
When Trump won the first time, I cleared out any news or politics subs on reddit and took political news off my news feed. It helped my mental health tremendously even if I couldn't ignore it completely.
I know that it's not great to be uninformed, but the stress news caused me was just getting overwhelming.
Yeah everyone would love it more than anything if politicians shut the fuck up, and did their jobs diligently and quietly in a way that benefits us all. We have to tune into work everyday and shut the fuck up. We dont get to run a whole donation circus that dictates how others live, least you could do is stop being a shit clown with it.
I think we should have a rule for news subs (maybe I should make a sub with the rule…):
It’s not news when it’s a controversial figure saying yet another controversial thing.
As in, we should have action oriented news, posting stuff that has actually happened, like laws being passed instead of someone saying we should have this law.
im also getting increasingly frustrated with all the articles saying “this person said this other person committed a crime” and then nobody is ever prosecuted.
Well, not "legitimate" news. Capt. Erection's Red State Journal Review Podcast-Wankfest is a type of news, just not a very useful one. The MAGAt media environs is the equivalent of a neglected public restroom floor and it's all they eat.
Of course - Corporate News Sewers like NYT in the first place are smoking ruins of failed journalism to start with, so - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This makes me think of one of the citizens from the begining of Half Life 2.
You enter a ramshackle shared apartment as the Civil Protection is breaking down the neighbor's door.
This one guy is in a kitchenette, sitting in a stupor next to basically a 40 on the table.
As you dodge the ongoing bust by ducking into his apartment, he looks up lazily and speaks with a slur:
"Was that you knocking? I didn't even know we still had a door."
... That guy, that scene basically exemplifies the average American in person response to basically anything that isn't some kind of consumer media product right now.
Within about 60 to 90 seconds of him saying that, the CPs will arrest or kill everyone in the building.