the amount of slop saying "wait till the end" is too damn high
the amount of slop saying "wait till the end" is too damn high
the amount of slop saying "wait till the end" is too damn high
Kinda your own fault for being on Tiktok in the first place ¯(ツ)/¯
There’s been a recent flood of it here, though. A new (i think) page titled ‘gifs’ started flooding my All feed and pretty much every post is a “watch till the end” for a 10sec clip…🙄
Usually tiktok is the most responsive feed out of all the platforms if you scroll away from some specific content asap. It will not try to push it again and again.
People are sharing content from there to other places too.
I saw that shit on LinkedIn.
This Man Took A Normal Photo Of His Wife But Realised Something Was Very Wrong
Answer In Link Below 👇👇👇
A man took a nor
[Large Ad]
[Large Ad]
[Can't tell if this is a piece of a new article or a continuation of the current one]
Man was take picture of lady and wowzah did he see
[Another Ad]
[Large Scrolling Ad]
something on her that was crazy
and he look at picture closely t
get a be
[Huge Ad that Breaks the Page's Format]
[Small Ad]
Celebrity Colin Ferrel was seen today with ex-wife while wearing a brown coat
[Large Ad]
Continue reading here
When you visit the same page with µBo:
A man took a nor
[Giant Ass Blank Space]
[Can’t tell if this is a piece of a new article or a continuation of the current one]
Man was take picture of lady and wowzah did he see
[Colossal Blank Space]
something on her that was crazy
and he look at picture closely t
get a be
[Medium Ass Blank Space]
Celebrity Colin Ferrel was seen today with ex-wife while wearing a brown coat
[Large Ass Blank Space]
Continue reading here
dont forget to getting redirected to a suspicious page bcuz u missed the close button by 1 pixel
TLDR(after clicking through 21 slides that each load a new website): She had a benign mole on her shoulder.
Reminds me of a teacher that kept telling us about the intended syllabus every day. But complaining that he had to remove stuff because there was not enough time for everything, while wasting half an hour everyday instead of going for what was possible.
Hehe yep I got to hear many of those rants too. Its like, uhh great, shall we use a magic science machine to artificially stretch the year out or what.. like what do you want us to do about it
And the constant lamenting on how we're behind the syllabus and how we need to move on, like it's a race and not an educational process.
wAs EiNsTEiN wRoNg?
wAiT TiLL tHe EnD tO FiNd OuT!
Yeah... unliked and blocked, moving on.
Like the face people make for the thumbnails
This face almost made me downvote you.
Does blocking count as engagement? It would absolutely not surprise me if it does.
Engage once, to never engage again with that particular clickbait tripe channel.
I hate the slugs who overlay themselves front-and-center over another video to repeatedly point at whatever they want you to observe while steadily breathing through their mouth.
It's even worse when they first point to their ear and then their eye to say, "LISHEN 'n LOOKSH, bruh.."
We are truly in a Renaissance of fucking idiocy.
Doubly so when they do a fake laugh any time something is mildly amusing
I often see reels with an annoying guy pretending to be shocked by connections and Easter eggs in Disney films. It cuts back to him every few seconds to show him squinting his eyes inquisitively, making eye contact with the viewer, or rubbing his chin in thought. I hate it so much.
You’re attacking protected commentary! How could they steal views without le reaction overlays?!
I can count on one hand the number of videos I've seen where "wait until the end" holds true.
The most recent in years is a video of a dog chewing on something. The owner approaches it and the dog lets go of a hose which then sprays the owner.
Was not expecting that.
Spoiler alert!!!
i always interpret “watch to the end” as being a euphemism for “i did not edit this video properly” or “ipad babies are the intended audience of this video”. in any case, i will not be watching that video.
End comes after 10 minutes of video with nothing happening. And when something does happen, it's half out of frame and completely underwhelming.
Also the video cuts out ten seconds too soon to really rub it in
It says something of the Tik-tok generations attention span if you need to put a "wait till the end" reminder for a 10 second video.
Btw if I see this anywhere its an instant downvote/skip.
You've got a financial incentive to have someone watch 30 seconds of video - so ofc you use all the skeeziest shit straight out of the chum bucket days of the early internet.
It's not about attention span: it's about manipulation and money.
Not only that but this meme is not about TikTok - they don't have votes, especially not a downvote. This is almost certainly about Reddit: the only major social media site that has downvoting.
Post like a bot get blocked like a bot
It's like having to wait through an ad on Duolingo except without the reward.
Saw one yesterday here on Lemmy, where the action happened half way through, and nothing happened at the end, which I skipped to.
I immediately skip when I hear/see::
So you're still ensnared by the useless red circle? Thank you, I'll update my AI content slop machine
Short form video and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
I've been blissfully unaware of this trend, because I'm not on any other social media! I get that posting this is a bit of smug self-satisfaction, which nobody likes, but I feel strongly that corporate social media is a scourge, and that far too many people farm out their critical thinking to random "content creators." Black-box content algorithms are not doing you any favors, and they will affect your thinking if you subject yourself to them.
I've seen it twice on lemmy just today
I have blocked at least one "videos" community, since I have no interest in watching anything masquerading as informative. I've been on Lemmy a bunch lately, so I can only assume that I've preemptively blocked the instance or community where it's being posted.
'Let me explain' is one for me as well.
Ok, downvoted.
It’s because the “algorithm” looks at the average watch time and promotes content that people tend to watch to the end, so they incentivize creating content that has some punchline at the end, or that is just so confusing that you spend the whole time trying to figure out what is going on so you’re less likely to swipe away. If your mind can easily make a judgement about what you’re watching, you’re more likely to decide it’s something you don’t want to watch, and then swipe before the end. This counts against content in the algorithm.
They do this because it works on many people.
also "game changer"
Surely you aren't talking about Game Changer, the best game show, the reason Dropout is worth paying for
If you watch the first hour of this slop you'll be numb and enjoy the next 5 hours.
Watch this list, number 6 will surprise you!!!
Doctors finds that the new food that is causing cancer to everyone who eats is... (Article title cuts here, answer is nowhere to be found in the article title, introduction or conclusion).
I do this at work, because people gloss over details on really IMO emails that can affect them.
But I say exactly what it is.
Like in Slack, I go "Woah number 6 really said that our healthcare will now be decided by a d20". And then watch the conversation unravel.
"I took a picture of myself making a crazy face and pointing at an object! Will this be the engagement trap I hope it is?!"
I've heard this law mentioned before, but interestingly in that same Wikipedia article there are several studies mentioned that seemed to conclude it's not true at all:
A 2016 study of a sample of academic journals (not news publications) that set out to test Betteridge's law and Hinchliffe's rule (see below) found that few titles were posed as questions and of those that were questions, few were yes/no questions and they were more often answered "yes" in the body of the article rather than "no".
A 2018 study of 2,585 articles in four academic journals in the field of ecology similarly found that very few titles were posed as questions at all, with 1.82 percent being wh-questions and 2.15 percent being yes/no questions. Of the yes/no questions, 44 percent were answered "yes", 34 percent "maybe", and only 22 percent were answered "no".
In 2015, a study of 26,000 articles from 13 news sites on the World Wide Web, conducted by a data scientist and published on his blog, found that the majority (54 percent) were yes/no questions, which divided into 20 percent "yes" answers, 17 percent "no" answers and 16 percent whose answers he could not determine.
When a "Shorts" starts with Watch Till the end for "X" & spouts a big load of Bull throughout the start, yeah it's Clickbait
Brain dead so I wait
True, but that third panel kinda looks like one of those videos where they make their kitty pop and lock and those are kind of adorable.
Lol my mind went straight to thinking this was some type of apocalypse trend.
I don't understand what those tiktoks have to do with the text. None of those tiktoks have clickbait titles or tags or anything. They're just silly fun videos.
Lmao it's because peoples attention spans are literally like 2 seconds.
Shits sad
It's more so that the uploader gets the most watch time and engagement and therefore the biggest paycheck per video.
BTW, down voting is seen as engagement and prioritized just the same as up voting. Doesn't matter which button you're pushing as long as it's on the platform.
Every time I've seen people use this the thing that happens at the end should've been the entire video and/or wasn't even funny/worth watching.
I don't know.... Wait till the end of this one
If they could spell the word properly, that'd be great.
I prefer "til" myself
By the same logic, one should downvote any link to YT videos (which is what I do anyway).
It's the easiest way to get rid of me in an internet argument. It forces me to accept I will not spend more time on this crackpot.