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  • I've been sensing some real "Only joking, unless..." energy to this line of posting, though I kind of doubt America has the means to actually annex anything without it being a pyrrhic victory at best.

  • I can explain some of this

    Greenland: The US has tried to purchase the island several times throughout history

    Canada: US Americans have desired to take Canada since before independence from Britian. The original Articles of Confederation has a provision allowing Quebec to join the USA. Newfoundland had a small USA annexation movement before it became part of Canada

    USA: All of the changes are/were proposed states, some had a real chance of happening (the break up of Texas) and others are just memes (The State of Jefferson in the west coast). Why chuds would want this, I don't know

    Cuba: occupied twice by the US in the early 20th century

    Dominican Republic: Then known as Santo Domingo, the US tried to annex the country in the 1870s but was shot down by congress

    Mexico: Northern Mexico and Baja California were originally intended to be taken as US territory after the 1846 Invasion

    Yucatan: White slavers in the briefly existing Republic of Yucatan once asked to become a US state

    Nicaragua: On and off occupied and manipulate by the United States throughout history

    Panama: Former US colony

    Sicily: Occupied by the US in WW2. Post war there was a small sicilian independence movement, which included and even small movement to become a US state

    Iceland: The US briefly considered purchasing Iceland after the US Civil War.

    Faroe Islands(?): No clue

    POB(?): Not sure what this is

    South China Sea: Not sure what specific islands this is referring to