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  • I haven't attempted this approach, but this has been on my mind a lot. I think if you keep track of all turning positions in the first run, you can run through pairs of turning positions and imagine a line extending until it hits an obstacle. I think you'd need to iterate in order of turns, and extend backwards the earlier turn in a pair, and extend forwards the later turn in the pair.

    If the extended paths for two turns intercept, that is a point that an added obstacle would make a loop. I'm not 100% sure mathematically this is true, but there's less turns than there are steps, so performing the tests on turns should be faster.

    Using the option 4 in the example, this is what the extended lines would look like as v for the backwards line and < as the forward line from the turn as noted by the +. The x is where these lines meet. If they don't intercept, then adding an obstacle wouldn't result in a loop forming:


    I'll try to attempt this if I have time and see how it performs, but hoping someone else can check me on this and see if this is not practical.

    EDIT: I attempted this and it works with the sample, but only finds about 25% of the obstacles for the real input. It's pretty tedious to debug the big map unfortunately, so I'm not sure which obstacles are being missed. I do think this is the right approach though and is so fast and elegant, if only it worked...

    EDIT 2: Updated graph with better information

  • I'm also struggling with part 2. At the moment I am following the path and in each place I look if can connect with an earlier part of the path to the right by placing an obstacle, but without cutting off another earlier part of the path with that obstacle. I have indexes for each path location to see where in the path they first appear.

    However at the moment I still have a bug counting too many possibilities. Any other ideas?