No Mans Sky reaches very positive rating on steam after 8 years
No Mans Sky reaches very positive rating on steam after 8 years
No Mans Sky reaches very positive rating on steam after 8 years
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I come back to it every few months but I never managed to really dig the game, that said I'm truly impressed but all the work that was delivered post launch to deliver the game that was promised and even more.
I tried it for a couple weeks and enjoyed it but I felt like I got the gist of it in that time. I had a set of bases going that could make me tons of money every couple days and after that I was just like... welp what now? If the flight mechanics had been more like Elite Dangerous or the X series it would have hooked me longer probably. It certainly has more to do than than ED does but it didn't keep me engaged nearly as long. The flying around is way more fun when it doesn't feel like you're on rails.
I’m the same way. I feel like I check it out after every expansion but it never really grabs me. To me, most of the systems feel quite separate from each other, and a lot of stuff feels the same despite procedural generation (space stations, buildings and bases on planets, planets themselves). I feel like a tighter focus would make for a more engaging game, but there are obviously tens of thousands of people enjoying its current state
The procedural generation is the issue for me. Everything feels the same, even though it's random. The animals all do the same stuff, they're just made of different parts... And the "stuff" that they do is basically just walk around. The planets are just lumpy noise. There are no forests, just evenly distributed trees and plants.
Yeah I feel the game is really missing exciting combat and raids. Got bored pretty fast.
That would probably make it more interesting for many, but it was never meant to be a combat focused game so it makes sense that they haven't added it.
yeah but i mean come on, it's a core fundamental feature, you'd think they'd bother to make it at least decent, especially with all the insane patching work they've done, you'd figure one of them would be a combat overhaul, but i'm still waiting!
Doesn't that imply it isn't a core feature from the perspective of the devs? If they haven't enhanced it by now, I wouldn't expect them to going forward. For what it's worth, the lackluster space combat is my biggest gripe with the game, but I just don't play NMS when I'm looking for a space dogfight then.
if it wasn't, they wouldn't have you do it so often.
if it was a deterrent from doing certain things, they wouldn't make it so easy.