Oblivious world @ Lemmy world mod
Oblivious world @ Lemmy world mod
Also outs your report publicly, nice !
Oblivious world @ Lemmy world mod
Also outs your report publicly, nice !
And Lemmy has an issue with it's backend implementation which sometimes causes multiple copies of a comment being posted without the posters knowledge.
It then gets flagged as spam and the poster banned. Ask me how I know.
how do you know?
I searched for the issue when it happened to me and saw a bug report for it with the Lemmy devs confirming.
how do you know?
As someone who implement a Lemmy client it might be a client side problem. If the server is struggling you will time out when sending the comment. If the client side has any sort of retry logic it will send the comment again. This can cause the comment to be posted multiple times. There might be a bug on the server as well but I know for sure it can be caused by the client.
It's what you are describing, and it's not a client problem. It's impossible for a client to solve. You can't tell whether a timed out request succeeded or not.
Idempotent network requests are a standard feature of many APIs - sending the same request multiple times should result in only one action being performed, but Lemmy doesn't support them yet.
So yes, it's "caused" by retries, but the bug is that the backend doesn't properly support retries. Clients don't do anything wrong.
how do you know?
how do you know?
I did have this happen a few times early on, about a year ago, but haven’t seen it in a while. I’m hoping they fixed some of those bugs.
I've has it happen randomly but not recently
Well shit. At the same time the ban hammer seems a bit easy both ways :') Like you can at least look at the poster's history...
It was reverted when I messaged the mod that banned me, but obviously not a great situation.
Weird how reddit and lemmy have the exact same issue regarding that.
CLM - sounds like @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world needs to understand the tools a bit more given how active they are.
FlyingSquid needs to be booted from everything they mod.
FlyingSquid is a pathetic human being, who seems to have little else in their life than banning anyone they disagree with. So, just a reddit mod. Question is, why would Lemmy have a chance to grow if it insists on having the same shitty structure as reddit, only with a fraction of a fraction of content that's available on reddit.
Turns out I've blocked this user already. Are they a mod?
Turns out me too, seems like they're just a shit person.
Is that person a mod? I blocked them and my lemmy experience has been way better.
Same. Literally the only person I've blocked. I also made sure to leave every community they mod. Certainly a vibe I could do without.
This is exactly what I did when I saw them abuse their powers.
The only way to vote on bad mods is not to use their communities where they have power
PTB, (or maybe just "clueless bastard"?): Ye publicly outing your report because they don't understand lemmy is pretty bad.
PTB, publicly outing reports and trying to intimidate them is not cool, if you want to discuss someone's reports with them, do it in their DMs.
Also here's a tip for any admin or mod wishing to discuss the report with someone. Quote the report you're addressing. I can't see my own reports, so if an admin or mod wanted to discuss the last reports I made, it's possible I would have to think really hard to remember what he was talking about, or just flat out not remember. Because I do make a lot of reports, unfortunately, as there is a lot of problematic content and users out there.
Edit: I did make an issue in the Lemmy GitHub requesting this feature, so if you agree that this could be useful I suggest you go express the desire for such a feature over there. I included being able to edit and delete reports, but if that's too much at least the ability to read my own reports I've sent.
You jest, but many mods do actually have this mindset. It’s unreal
Removed, civility.
Removed, rule 7
"What the hell, why was my comment removed?"
Looks up rule 7*
"Be nice"
In my experience, mods in general have gotten extremely bad. Lemmy, reddit, basically all social media is being moderated without the least amount of professionality, standard or competency.
That's because professionality, standard and competency take time to foster and cost a lot to maintain.
Are we supposed to be elite professionals on our salaries of $0.00?
The good thing is that on the fediverse, you can improve this situation. Either go to an instance that keeps a watchful eye on power tripping mods and ensure mods are fair, or start your own instance to become that.
To me, it seems no one qualified wants to do it. It’s annoying, unpaid work.
Someone doesn't remember the times of apeshit insane IRC and forum mods
Honestly I think they're worse on Lemmy then they were on Reddit
Squid can be a little quirky like that sometimes.
Sometimes? They are the only person I have ever blocked in all of my years on both reddit or lemmy. Such an odd combination of self importance, rage, entitlement and ego.
I'd almost forgotten about them until they showed up in a screenshot for being exactly how I remember.
holds up ban spork*
FlyingSquid flaunts his mod powers and bans users which don't submit to his Zionist world views by making shit up.
Lemmy.World is the most Reddit of Lemmies.
Lemmy.World is the most Reddit of Lemmies.
Well, among the ones that anyone federates with. exploding-heads is still way more reddit than world is.
I'm so glad I finally made an account so I can block that particular reddit-type user. Might have to bounce instances based on how this goes.
What was their response?
No response :x
Why is it whenever I notice a mod, or see anyone complain about a mod, it's always the exact same mod?
Are all Lemmy mods chill except this singular prickly tranch?
Updoot for prickly tranch
PTB. Squid is a prolific poster, but seems to take things personally very quickly.
If you're going to abuse your powers, you should do so by abstract principles, like whether or not a commenter likes pineapple on their pizza, not how they react towards you!
All Mods Are Bastards
Wow, that's a broad generalization
Lots of people are saying it
Not the first time they've supported a spammer, and their post history is full of Hail Corporate bullshit.
With this person as a mod, the spam is coming from inside the house.