Five maybe? I lost one nice pair to a wave at the beach, and since then I buy mine at truck stops and dollar stores. It's much less stressful to wear glasses that cost me $1.50 !
I'm late 30s.
I can't remember <13. So, at least the last 30+ years I've had 4 pairs of sunnies. Maybe 5 pairs.
I've still got 2 of those pairs.
I'm tempted to get a fancy pair that look good instead of just sunnies that look good enough (ie, more than $100). I just don't wear them enough... Maybe a couple weeks a year?
What's the point in buying good sunglasses, and why would I lose a pair?
I've had the same wallet for 15 years, I've been locked out once, and I've lost my phone about 3 times (all of which I've got my phone back).
I'm recovering from about 10 years of undiagnosed depression. Recently (like a year) it has affected my short term memory, to the point I thought I had ADHD or something else. Effecting my work, my ability to live day-to-day, my socialmlife.
I now realise, while ADHD might be a factor, undiagnosed depression has devastated who I am VS who I think I am and who I want to be.
Are there other explanations for your forgetfulness?
Is it age related? Anything else you find you are forgetting?
Other than the one I lost at the beach, I lost one on a roller coaster, I recall sitting on one, and a few plastic ones just broke. Not counting whatever I had as a kid, no idea there. Not an unreasonable number, I think.
Wow you’ve got a good track record compared to me lol.
Countless times, I’ve just lost them randomly or misplaced them or broken them.
I was actually a lot more of a socialite before covid, so I think that could’ve been a big factor. I think the favorite pair I had(that I just broke) would probably got at the beginning of lockdown. I guess my point is I haven’t been losing/breaking shades as much as I did when I was out doing more stuff.
The last fancy shades I had were a gift given to me. I ended up accidentally leaving them at a restaurant/gaming center. Just one of my many examples of sunglasses mishaps.