Trump supporters really rallying behind a felon and racist
Trump supporters really rallying behind a felon and racist
Trump supporters really rallying behind a felon and racist
There's an old woman in my neighborhood that flies a "make liberals cry again" flag. Full on trump 2024 word vomit flag.
When she passes away, the neighborhood will be a little bit nicer. Don't need that hateful shit displayed on our street.
I had one at work. Full blown Trump supporter who turns every little thing into a personal attack about Trump.
Got fired for being a fuck up at work, then went on Facebook/Glassdoor to complain about being fired for speaking up.
I also see brainwashed. The conservative media is a well oiled machine of hate and vitriol.
Most of them are hard "Christians" so they're already gullible.
Most of them are
hard "Christians" so they're alreadygullible.
.... I don't see anything religious or moral about these idiots. They would take over any decent religious belief and twist it into something ugly for their own benefit. Basically a rehashing of all religious history when you think about it.
Hence the quotation marks
I'm seeing signs out front and in windows of local businesses, and I sort of wish they'd just leave them up forever. Makes it easy to identify places i wouldn't shop.
These people have made Trump their whole personality so most likely they'll still have some sort of visible identifiers, like bad Christians who wear the most gaudy crosses outside their shirt for everyone to see.
Yep. People that go out of their way to plaster a bunch of xtian virtue signalling on their house, their car, their cubicle, their FB page, their body...are often some of the most immoral people I've ever seen.
One near me got into trouble for their "In Trump We Trust" sign, because it violated town codes. It was a BIG ass sign. I never need ice cream so badly I'd put money in a fascist's pocket.
Also... how does anyone look at that sign and not immediately see that it's a cult?
Other cult members. Oh, and the Enlightened Centrists and the Tone Policing "independents" that constantly remind us that it is "both sides" to blame for Republican behaviors.
Its nice when they volunteer to put a warning label on themselves so we can make sure we don't visit their establishments.
Yup. This is just like the days when the Yellow Pages were still a thing and people would plaster fishes and crosses in their section. You know, I think some people assume being a "good Christian" means you are going to be a good person, but that kind of xtian virtue-signalling in a business advertisement tells ME they are looking to fleece dumbasses that actually believe that and I'm going to steer clear.
Typical woke cancel culture. /s
You should take pictures and helpfully put it up on review sites....sure some chuds might go, but many normal people will know to avoid.
Since they will eventually remove the signs just write names and addresses down so you know who to avoid in the future. Most drunks, druggies and welfare scammers around here also have cult flags.
When you vote for Trump, you’re complicit in helping him to cover up his numerous crimes.
Not necessarily cover up, but to 100% get away with them.
I’m more generally just assume that they’re stupid.
It also tells any passing scammer that an easy mark lives there.
We have a house with a Kennedy sign up front in our neighborhood. I just don't get it. At least with Trump you get the whole cult of personality thing which can explain it.
That one says "bonkers idiot lives here" instead of "racist lives here"
I think both a donOLD sign and a Kennedy sign might signify that the owner of the house has brain worms, though.
RFK - Do the Worm!
My favorite sign is "TRUMP - Taking America Back". Just needs a "wards" tacked on the end.
I am so close to pulling into these people's driveway and asking "from whom? Taking America back from...?" just to watch them not want to say it out loud.
Using your lawn/property to advertise politicians feel like such an American thing? I've never seen anyone do that over here, in Norway. If you did people would probably think you were a weirdo, someone a bit too invested in politics.
It’s awful, shouldn’t be allowed. That being said, I think I’m gonna put out a Harris sign this year cause the stakes are just too high and I want the support for the anti-fascist candidate to be clear and strong.
What always blows my mind is when people get a big racist sticker, put it on the most expensive thing they own, and then leave that expensive thing unattended in public for hours.
I always wondered who the signs are FOR, really. I mean does anyone see the signs and think, "oh yeah, I'll vote for that guy/gal". Do some people that are low-info just vote for the person whose name they saw the most on lawn signs?
Did Trump successfully make America great again? What's this about "keeping it" great?
What they mean by MAGA is more racism, more homophobia, and women as property. They did make some strides in that direction.
Well the Supreme Court is already done. And they’ll keep half of Congress. So that’s already half of the supposed checks and balances.
I seriously watched Dan Crenshaw try to claim, over and over again, while sitting next to James Carville on Maher's show, that donOLD beats Kamala/Biden on matters of policy, and referenced the BS "mean tweets" narrative again.
It was surreal. And he's supposed to be one of the "good ones". JFC.
Its been years and they still don't believe in "facts", over feelings.
I work with a guy that wears a hat that says "I'm VOTING for the CONVICTED FELON" on top of an American flag. I hope every day he steps in a steaming pile of dogshit.
Maybe he was wearing it ironically to shame Republicans, and not because he personally wants to taste Trump's shoe leather.
Ahhh who am I kidding? He sounds like a bootlicker to me.
He'll make comments about how everything the Democrats say is a lie. I asked him to name one example. He had nothing. Then I asked him to name one thing Dementia Don has said that was true. "We have work to get done, I don't have time for this".
Sign for gullible dumbasses that are so stupid they can be easily tricked into being enraged at literally anything.
I saw a dude the other day with his house decked out in a stupid red, white, and blue neon flashing Trump signs and he had a neon Trump, God, and guns sign with two ar15s on it and some other Trump stuff in the yard. Not a cult though. 🤔
There's one like that near me too, he drives a Toyota Camry. I laugh every time I drive past it.
I typically see an overreliance on Facebook , cable news and talk radio.
I definitely see that. Probably a sexist as well.
A felacist, as it were.
Why does this gem only have 3 upvotes?? Adding one.
Don't forget rapist! And incestial child rapist! He's going for bingo.
Font doesn't match. But otherwise accurate.
the woke mob cancelled the Akzidenz-Grotesk font
I have seen zero lawn signs for any national candidates in this election so far. Grateful for it.
When Biden dropped out, I was stuck with all my Biden bumper stickers and giant Biden flags on my truck and huge Biden signs and banners in my yard and all over my house and ... oh wait, no I wasn't because I'm not a member of an obnoxious cult.
They will be like: "We are not racists, racism is done because of evil, like that socialist Hitler did, we do it because we have crime statistics!"
Racists keep America great.
Trump lives here.
Five stars.
You shouldn't. Plenty of them are just dumb. My mother.... means well but is dumb as bricks and pretty much the definition of arrested development.
I don't care about Trump being a felon; I care about him lying over 20,000 times, saying to people that they'll "never have to vote again", and him being part of P2025. This is why I don't care about Biden's laptop or whatever. I'd rather have a criminal as President than be hunted down as a criminal.
Yes, also the "laptop" was actually the hard drive (and one with a very dubious chain of custody) supposedly from Joe Biden's son's laptop, Hunter, and Hunter has no position in government and isn't running for one.
But, for some reason, Marge wanted to enter revenge porn of Hunter's dong into the public record or something. Obviously of primary concern to the safety of the American people or somesuch...
Meanwhile, donOLD and his merry band of criminals, thugs, and fascists seem to be laying plans to end American democracy, maybe kick of political imprisonment, possibly state-sanctioned murder against their political enemies, which seems likely to be expanded to many, many Americans, and not just prominent politicians like Pelosi, Biden, some cases, for merely existing.
The company you keep and all...
So sad to hate half of your country because they don't vote how you do. Doesn't matter which side you're on.
Just because you want to both support a racist, rapist, pedo, con man, and not have anyone judge you for it, doesn't mean that is gonna happen
A: Not hate. More bewildered pity.
B: Not about how you vote. That's up to you.
C: In this case, proudly advertising that you support a garbage person after he's proven time & again he's a garbage person says a lot about your morals, or at the very least, your critical thinking prowess.
D: Joke explained; humour removed.
It very much does matter which side you are on when one is racist moron. If it's just a normal Republican then maybe, sure. But you aren't comparing apples to apples.
Whee, bOtH sIdEs!